  • 學位論文


Study on the application of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Underground Oil Contamination

指導教授 : 陳水龍


近年來環保意識提高,環境污染問題逐漸受到重視,國內環保署為防止土壤及地下水的污染,已針對全國超過十年以上的加油站進行調查,對於有污染之虞的加油站進行列管,並要求業者進行污染整治事宜,以保護土地及地下水資源之永續利用。有鑑於此,對於老舊加油站有其必要進行污染的檢測與控管。 本論文以透地雷達針對地下油污染案例進行檢測,將雷達探測剖面圖經由資料處理做分析解釋,並進行三維模擬,以提高雷達波的解析技術,藉此偵測定出污染位置、範圍和深度,此外藉由其他案例之檢測來提升污染檢測的可信度。研究結果證實透地雷達可對地下污染能正確描繪出地下污染情況,如污染位置、範圍和深度,可做為日後地下油污染檢測之利器與研究之參考。


As people grow more and more aware of environmental protection and more and more attention is paid to environmental pollution, the Environmental Protection Administration has conducted survey on gas stations all over the country that are 10 years or more old for prevention of soil and groundwater contamination. Gas stations with the concern of contamination are listed for monitoring, and the owners are asked for contamination remediation for the protection of lands and the sustainable use of groundwater resources. In view of this, it is necessary to enforce the inspections and monitoring of contamination at old gas stations. In this study, ground-penetrating radar is introduced to conduct inspections on underground oil contamination. The profiles obtained from radar probing are processed for analysis and explanations, and 3D simulation is performed to improve the analytic capacity of radar waves, as to detect and locate the contamination, extent and depth. In addition, the inspection results of other cases are brought in to increase the credibility of contamination inspection. The result confirms that ground-penetrating radar is capable of characterizing the conditions of underground contamination, such as location, extent and depth. The data can be used as a helpful tool for underground oil contamination inspection and the reference of future studies.


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