  • 學位論文


The implmentation of Heuristic Structure Theory - module building of decision making on architectural development

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


在資訊發達的商業環境中,善用資訊和運用知識已經是當今企業經營者所需具備的能力,對於企業知識能力的整合及執行層面的結合,在這個微利時代中,更是競爭力的關鍵所在。建築開發商在估評每一宗投資開發個案,都必須在有限時間找出有利市場銷售和企業獲利的最佳策略,經營者在規劃策略的過程中,面對多變的市場環境及資訊爆發的市場環境,已很難再依賴籠統的經驗法則及市場直覺,而必須找出更有效率及系統化的支援工具,來達到協助決策者制定決策的目的。 面對複雜的開發資料和眾多內在、外在的變動因素,決策者必須在有限時間中,吸收、分析各方的資訊,在經過自我的內化的過程之後,再運用個人專業的洞察,來做出有利於開發的決策。商業戰爭中分秒必爭,對於整體決策過程必須能有效控制時程,以避免因決策過程中的時間延誤而錯失開發良機。在決策過程中,除了時間的因素外,決策的有利性也必須兼顧。好的決策必須依賴周全的資料及敏銳的分析,常因整體策略規劃的不完整而影響策略品質,若因為資料不足而做出不當的判斷,除了決策方向可能發生嚴重失誤,也可能使整個開發計劃面臨莫大的危機。 本研究將試以誘導式結構理論作為工具,整合策略制定與決策流程建構一建築開發案決策支援模型,以協助決策者分析相關資訊,並將其開發決策過程模組化,做為建築開發案決策輔助工具。


In the business environment which is full of information today, utilizing information and knowledge is one of must-have ability of entrepreneurs today. In the low-profit times, how to integrate the knowledge from management levels of enterprises to execution level is the key of competitive edges. When the property developers evaluate every investing case, they have to find out the best strategies of marketing and profit model in limited time resource. It’s hard to rely on general experience rule and market intuition in changeable market environment and information explosion when planning and making strategies. We have to find out more efficient and systematic tools to help the decision makers to make decisions. Facing complicated development data and numerous outside and inside factors, decision makers have to absorb and analyze information in every aspect in limited time. After internalization and personal professional insights, they make some strategies which is favorable to the future development. We have to well-control the time and schedule to avoid any delay to miss the great opportunities. Aside from time controlling, the winning strategies are also very important. The good strategies have to rely on comprehensive data and keen analytic. The poor planning quality results in incomplete strategic development. If lacked information makes wrong judgment, not only strategic direction may go wrong, but the whole development project may face crisis. This study tries to use Heuristic Structure Theory as the tool to integrate making strategies and process to build a decision making model in a construction case to help the entrepreneur analyze related information. And modulating the planning process to become a tool in architecture development cases.


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