  • 學位論文


Development and Inter-Operation Investigation of Smart Plugs based on Different ZigBee Modules

指導教授 : 蔡孟伸


隨著科技不斷的進步,網路設備不斷地推陳出新,ZigBee無線感測網路之產品已在市面上販售。ZigBee具有拓樸能力好、體積小、低成本、低功率和低資料傳輸率等特性,故大多應用於家庭/建築的電能監測與控制。而全球暖化與氣候變遷的問題日益嚴重,如何有效地使用和管理能源已成為重要的課題。 本論文主要將智慧型插座應用於ZigBee無線感測網路的節點中,來實現家庭/建築能源管理系統的量測硬體裝置。藉由這些量測硬體裝置,可讓使用者瞭解家庭/建築中各負載的用電情形,讓使用者可以進一步的管理負載。使用ZigBee無線通訊技術,使用者可在家庭/建築中隨意佈署ZigBee無線感測網路節點,不受有線的限制;在通訊的過程中使用Modbus協定,以利電力量測資料的讀取。目前各家ZigBee廠商的ZigBee產品互通性不佳,有違ZigBee之規範,故在本論文中針對兩家不同廠商的ZigBee模組探討其互通性,並藉由實驗混合兩家廠商的ZigBee模組,建立一個混合型的ZigBee網路,以達到物物相連的理念。


Due to the global warming and climate change, it is important for great restraint on productions of greenhouse gases to control and manage residential and industrial electrical appliances used in fields efficiently. In a house or building field, with the purpose of responding to demand response programs to perform to manage electricity energy consumption on individual electrical appliances, a Home/Building Energy Management System (EMS) needs to communicate with individual electrical appliances to be controlled and managed. One way to make the communication between an EMS and each of individual electrical appliances is the installation of ZigBee-based smart meters as smart plugs for appliances. This thesis aims to develop ZigBee-based smart plugs used to acquire electricity energy consumption on individual electrical appliances communicating with an EMS via a hybrid ZigBee communication network. In this thesis, a Personal Computer that connects a ZigBee Coordinator via USB interface acts as an EMS. Modbus RTU protocol is used to perform communication between the ZigBee Coordinator and each of ZigBee End Devices. Interoperation on smart plugs made using two different types of ZigBee modules is investigated as well in this thesis.


Smart Plug ZigBee hybrid ZigBee network




