  • 學位論文


The Application of TOYOTA Production System to Auto Parts Industry- A Case Study on S Company

指導教授 : 李春穎
共同指導教授 : 莊賀喬


近年來,台灣汽車產業面對全球化發展與競爭,經營環境日漸險峻,傳統的大量生產已漸漸被淘汰,然而豐田生產方式能有效的提升品質、提升作業效率及使生產線彈性化,本研究深透過個案探討,進行一系列的TPS活動,分別對物流、品質、生產、安全等四個構面探討,並透過「改善」消除浪費與不必要的流程,而由研究結果顯示,前置時間由原本的75.5hr縮短至23.5hr,因此證實執行豐田生產方式,能有效找出發生浪費的真正原因,並設定目標,按部就班的改善,檢討每個階段的問題點, 因此「豐田生產方式」能有效改善企業的獲利及提昇企業的競爭力。


In recent years, Taiwan's auto parts industry is facing globalization and worldwide competition. The company is in increasingly difficult operating environment, and the traditional mass production has gradually become obsolete. Nevertheless, the Toyota production system (TPS) can effectively improve quality, enhance operational efficiency and enable flexible production lines. This study deeply explored through case studies, and conducted a TPS series of events including aspects in logistics, quality, production and safety. By cutting off the waste and unnecessary process, improvement was obtained. The lead time was reduced from 75.5 hr to 23.5 hr. It was confirmed that the implementation of the Toyota Production System can effectively identify the real cause, set goals to improve step by step, and review the problems of each stage. Therefore TPS can effectively improve and enhance corporate profitability and the competitiveness of enterprises.


TOYOTA Production System Just in time Jidoka Kaizen


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