  • 學位論文


A Study on the Adsorption Equilibria of Cobalt(II) Sulfates by D2EHPA Extractant-impregnated Resin

指導教授 : 蔡德華


本研究是在探討利用丁氧基乙醇(Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, EGMBE)為修飾劑,二氯甲烷為稀釋劑,二(2-乙基己基)磷酸(D2EHPA)為萃取劑製備成的萃取劑含浸樹脂 (Extractant-impregnated resin, EIR),在不同的操作條件下,改變鈷離子初濃度、不同EIR的使用量及改變溫度,與硫酸鈷水溶液吸附平衡後,其金屬離子之吸附情形,並尋求相符的吸附模式。 在此實驗我們使用大孔性樹脂Amberlite XAD-4爲載體,將尚未含浸修飾劑及萃取劑的空白樹脂在不同濃度(0.002M~0.02M)的硫酸鈷水溶液中進行吸附測試,結果顯示,空白之Amberlite XAD-4對上述各種不同濃度的硫酸鈷水溶液,並無明顯吸附離子的情形。由此空白實驗可證實樹脂本身僅為載體並不參與反應。 由實驗數據得知,在最佳修飾劑(EGMBE)為3mL下,添加不同濃度(0.002M~0.02M)的硫酸鈷水溶液,水溶液中鈷離子的含量隨著萃取劑D2EHPA含量的增加而遞增,亦隨著溶液的pH值的增加而遞增,但隨著金屬離子之初濃度增加而減少。


In this paper, we used ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, (EGMBE) as the modifier, dichloromethane as the diluents, and D2EHPA as the extractant. All of them were rendered into the extractant-impregnated resin, EIR; we examined the effects of various parameters, such as the initial concentration of the metal ions, the amount of EIR and the operating temperature. We investigated the adsorption of metal ions after reaching equilibrium between cobalt sulfate aqueous solutions and EIR.   We also tried to fit the experiments data based on available models for the purpose of identifying the role of Amberlite XAD-4, we used Amberlite XAD-4 as a support in the absence of extractant and modifier, investigate its cobalt ion adsorption capability. Data from blank experiments revealed that Amberlite XAD-4 showed no significant adsorption capability on cobalt ions and acted mainly as a support. In this study, we also added modifier EGMBE (3ml) in different concentration, CoSO4 solutions (0.002M~0.02M) and under different temperature to examine the cobalt ion property. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the distribution ratio of cobalt ion increased with increasing in both amount of D2EHPA and pH value of aqueous solutions, but decreased while the initial concentration of cobalt increased.


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