  • 學位論文


Material of applied research about Ultraviolet Radiation cured soft feel coatings

指導教授 : 芮祥鵬


聚氨酯柔感塗料(PU soft touch coatings)有別於一般的聚氨酯塗料(PU coatings),其塗料具有彈性柔軟觸感的特性,並保有相當程度的耐抗刮及耐化性。市面上有許種3C產品的外觀及汽車的內裝皆使用此類塗料作為表面塗裝。聚氨酯柔感塗料的主體樹脂為聚酯多元醇樹脂(Polyester polyol)或是聚碳酸酯多元醇樹酯(Polycarbonate polyol),而一般的聚氨酯塗料的主體樹脂是由丙烯酸多元醇(Acrylic polyol)所組成,其在結構上的差異導致塗膜的不同物性展現。 但上述的PU型塗料會有揮發性有機物化合物(VOC)汙染問題以及所需乾燥時間較長問題,在使用上仍有相當多的限制。紫外光硬化(UV curing)產品主要由寡聚物(oligomer)、單體(monomer)、光起始劑(photo initiator)與添加劑(additives)組成,在施工方式上的不同會在配方上會有些許的差異,目前也亦被廣泛應用在3C產業塗裝。紫外光硬化塗料的塗膜耐物化性質優於聚氨酯塗料,且硬化速度快可節省施工時間,相當符合現今節能減碳的需求。但大多數的紫外光硬化塗料塗膜呈現硬且脆的特性,較不具有類似聚氨酯柔感塗料的觸感與彈性,所以目前市面上柔感塗料仍是以PU型塗料居多。 本研究主要利用紫外光硬化塗料中所使用的寡聚物原料,利用不同官能機類型的寡聚合物原料,在適當的配方下硬化成膜後,藉由百格密著、鉛筆硬度、RCA耐磨試驗、拉伸試驗、IR光譜分析等試驗,來評估何種寡聚物較適用於紫外光硬化柔感塗料的開發應用可行性。


The PU soft feel coating is different with the common PU coating, that characteristic have elastic and soft touch, but still have good abrasion resistance and good chemical resistance, many kinds of 3C product and the automobile internal product use this kind of coating to do for the superficial painting. The PU soft feel coating is usually composed of Polyester polyol resin or Polycarbonate polyol resin, they are the different the common PU coating is composed of Acrylic polyl resin. But the PU coating can have the VOC pollution, and concern as well as needs the drying time long question, still had quite many limits in the use. UV curing coating is composed of oligomer and monomer and photo initiator and additives, that is widely applied in the 3C industry painting in few years. The UV curing coating properties is better than the PU coating, that dry speed is very fast can save the construction time and low VOC pollution. The UV curing coating is conform to the environmental protection demand. But mostly UV curing coating characteristic is hard and crisp, so in the present market condition the soft feel coating was still by the PU coating majority. This research in discussion about effect of different function group type of oligomer ,by the results in test on adhesion, pencil hardness, RCA abrasion, tension test, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer(FTIR) analysis, estimate for develop soft feel coating of UV Curing. PU soft feel coating, PU coating, polyester polyol resin, polycarbonate polyol resin, acrylic polyol resin,UV curing coating, VOC, oligomer, monomer, photo initiator, additives


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