  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Service Management System on Workshop Performance

指導教授 : 吳浴沂 王建彬


風雨複雜多變的2008年,以全年銷售未跨過23萬輛關卡的229,495輛封關,不僅創下車壇少有的低點,各車款銷售排名的競逐,也在遭逢全面性銷售低氣壓下,即使是奪霸稱冠擠進排行榜的優勝者,仍無法避免大幅衰退的窘境,遑論區居下風的敗軍之將,車壇少見的寒意,讓2008年的新車銷售排行榜成績,來得比以往艱辛與慘烈。 汽車保修業在此惡劣的經濟環境下,莫不設法跳脫以往之經營模式;企圖以更有效率的經營管理與評核制度來改善保修廠之營運狀況與經營體質,期待以員工在職訓練、服務競賽、獎勵辦法、抽檢管控等各項管理手段來提高保修廠產能與重複維修之案件發生,進而提高客戶滿意指標(CSS)之最終目的。 本研究計畫就是以台灣現有一家汽車公司- 太古汽車( Taikoo Motors)代理進口之A品牌,導入「服務管理制度」後對車輛維修廠之績效影響做個案研究;內容涵蓋以下各項: 一、建立各項管理制度與競賽辦法:以台灣全島現有A品牌保有車輛數(Vehicle In Operation)之分布來劃分各經銷廠家保修廠之經營規模,建立服務、零件、技術等各類管理辦法,來評核各經銷保修廠之實體產能與實績,並透過獎懲制度的規範,來輔導經銷保修廠之產能提升。 二、管理制度與競賽辦法之推動:透過經銷商經營會議與服務通報公布本管理制度之優點與施行要素,除可改善經銷廠家之經營體質外,並可提升整體戰力與客戶滿意度 三、評核資料之蒐集與分析:透過DMS (Dealer Management System)來擷取經銷商 四、之經營資訊,並規定各項Deadline來規範經銷廠家於時限內完成各項活動與提供定期報表,以為評核之依據。 績效管理制度成果展現:以2007/1~6 (辦法實施前)與 2008/1~6(辦法實施後)之績效產能作一個分析比較,來了解辦法施行後對保修廠之影響,並作為後續管理制度與活動施行之參考及修正。 本研究擬藉由個案研究成果,讓汽車業界管理者與先進在不景氣的經營環境下酌參,為各公司帶來更寬更遠之經營績效。


In this research plan, by means of a car Importer company - Taikoo Motors, an import agent of “A” brand in Taiwan, to implement "the performance assessment system on the product ties of workshop impact analysis"; which covers the followings: Firstly, the establishment of the management system: to gather statistics island wide of the existing brand “A” number of vehicles (Vehicle In Operation) and to divide the distribution of the dealers scale of operation, the establishment of services, spare parts, technical and other management methods, to assess the distribution of workshop capacity and performance, and through reward and punishment systems of norms, to counsel dealers increase their own production capacity. Secondly, management systems and ways of promoting competition: through regular dealer meetings and services bulletin announced the management system of the advantages and the elements, in addition to improving dealers operating outside the constitution and thereby enhance the overall combat capability and customer satisfaction Thirdly, to assess the data collection and analysis: through the DMS (Dealer Management System) to collect dealers operating information, and provides for the dead-line to regulate the workshops to the time frame to complete the return report Fourthly, to show the results of performance management system: in accordance with 2007 / 1 ~ 6 (way before) and 2008 / 1 ~ 6 (approach introduced), the performance analysis of production capacity to make a comparison, to understand the impact after the workshops implementing such as management activity Generally speaking; by using of prepared l case studies; allow the automotive industry managers and advanced superiors in the next recession study, for the company's operating performance far wider


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