  • 學位論文


A Study of Healthy Green Building Materials in Indoor Air Quality and Healthy Assessment

指導教授 : 邵文政


室內揮發性有機物質之建材逸散來源與建材裝修使用率、與負荷率有密切關係,故建築法規於建築技術規則之綠建材使用率規定,已於98年修正通過「綠建材使用率由5%提升至30%」健康綠建材使用率提升至30%後,其健康效益與實際效益是否足夠,為探討之重要課題。有鑑於此,本研究於全尺寸建材逸散模擬實驗系統,針對健康綠建材不同使用率之健康效益進行分析,驗證其健康效益關係,期望可提供政策、設計者、使用者作為參考之依據。本研究結論歸納如下: 一、使用健康綠建材能確實於源頭管制甲醛及總揮發性有機物質逸散濃度。 不同健康綠建材使用率(100%、80%、50%、30%及0%)之裝修空間於全尺寸建材逸散模擬實驗系統進行96小時歷時性檢測,發現提高健康綠建材使用率可有效降低室內甲醛及TVOC濃度,顯示使用健康綠建材能有效於源頭管制揮發性有機物質濃度,保護居住者健康。 二、欲達健康居住環境,需使用50%以上健康綠建材使用率。 健康綠建材不同使用率第96小時穩態逸散濃度之健康效益分析,於國內外基準比對方面,50%以上使用率皆可低於TVOC基準,且經計算結果發現使用50%以上健康綠建材使用率可減少97%以上之TVOC逸散量;又經危害指數(HI)值計算顯示,50%以上之健康綠建材使用率皆符合危害容許濃度(HI<1)。綜觀以上之分析結果,得知若欲達室內空氣品質健康,最少需使用50%以上健康綠建材使用量,因此建議可持續擴大健康綠建材使用率之推廣,以保護使用者居住健康。 三、甲醛致癌風險皆未超出基準值,且低於致癌風險。 甲醛之基準比對與致癌風險計算結果,各組皆低於我國環保署(0.1ppm)與世界衛生組織(0.08ppm)基準,且計算結果皆低於致癌風險(百萬分之一),顯示我國於建材生產與進出口之甲醛釋出量控管(經濟部標檢局)已達普遍與落實,確實為建材甲醛逸散把關,實為保護使用者居住健康之優質管制政策。 四、全尺寸逸散模擬實驗系統與實際空間之推估能力。 本次全尺寸健康綠建材模擬試驗檢測,參考實際空間案例之建材、使用率、負荷率、與工法進行全尺寸實驗之對應,以瞭解全尺寸建材逸散模擬實驗系統與實際空間之推估能力與差異;比對結果發現,TVOC之平均標準偏差為4.041%,相差甚小;而甲醛之平均標準偏差為35.355%,兩者相差較大;研判兩者之環境參數設定(溫、濕度,換氣率)與實驗分析方式之不同,所造成兩者數據差值,而TVOC部分仍具相當之參考性,可與實場空間進行比對與推估。 五、健康綠建材使用率越高BTEX與TVOC濃度越低,且兩者差值越少。 經五組檢測結果得知,健康綠建材使用率越高時BTEX濃度與AS-Toluene濃度亦降低,且兩者相差甚小;顯示提高健康綠建材使用率之情況下,能有效降低BTEX之濃度與其他化學物質之濃度。 六、各組檢測結果揮發性有機物質定性結果,BTEX出現次數最高。 經GC/MS定性並與資料庫比對準確度達80%以上之化學物質共達34種之多,經比對出現次數結果發現,出現組數3次以上之物質為,甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯之BTEX物質,顯示BTEX之指標性化學物質為管制項目之重點。 七、健康綠建材不同使用率逸散衰減模式適用性 經逸散因子與逸散濃度迴歸分析結果並求得其判定係數(R2)進行比對結果發現,二階衰減模式之敘述能力較一階衰減模式佳,較適用於健康綠建材不同使用率之裝修環境中揮發性有機物質之預測模式。


As we know, there is close relationship between the source and the using ratio of TVOC and loading factor. For these reason, the rules of the building technique of the Architecture has been modified the ratio of using healthy green building materials from 5% to 30% in 2009. So it becomes an important issue to understand if it can cause enough benefits of healthy and reality. Thus, the study is about the analysis of the healthy benefits between different healthy green building materials in the modeling system of full scale emission organic substanve. And we expect it can have advices to the basis of the relative polities, designers, and users. About the study, we have several conclusions in the following concepts: 1. It is healthy green building materials that can control the source of indoor TVOC. In the tests of the rooms using different ratios of healthy green building materials(100%,80%,50%,30% and 0%) in the modeling system of full scale emission organic substanve, the study was found that elevating the ratio can decrease the concentration of TVOC and Formaldehyde effectively in indoor room. It shows that using the healthy green building materials can control the source of the concentration of the TVOC effectively to protect the healthy of users. 2. It shows that using more than 50% of healthy green building materials is the best ratio to cause the great benefit. In the basis between Taiwan and other countries, all the ratios using more than 50% of healthy green materials can cause the data lower than the basis of TVOC and decrease more than 97% of the emission of TVOC in the healthy benefit analysis. In addition, the HI calculation shows it conforms the HI<1. As a result, we know that 50% is the most beneficial ratio of using healthy green building materials. Therefore, we suggest we can keep spread the elevation of using healthy green building materials to protect users health. 3. The Formaldehyde leading to the risk of cancer are all below the baseline. The calculations of Formaldehyde in all cases are all lower than the baseline made in Tiawan Environmental Protection Administration standar(0.1ppm) and all lower than the risk of cancer(millionth). Thus, we can know that the detection of formaldehyde in the building materials from production, import and export are generally controlled by Tiawan Bureau of Standards Metrology and Ispetion. It is a high quality of policy to protect user’s health. . 4. The evaluation between the real room and the imitation experimental system of Full Scale Chamber. In this imitation test of Full Scale Chamber, we consult the building materials, using ratio, loading and building methods in actual space to compare to the experiment to realize the elevation and the difference between them. We found that there are few difference in TVOC which has 4.041% of RSD; and it is greater in formaldehyde which has 35.355% of RSD. We suppose that the factors lead to the difference between them are the settings of the environment (temperature, RH ,and ACH). But the TVOC has enough indication to evaluate and match the actual room. 5. The higher ratio of using green building materials, the lower concentrations of BTEX and TVOC. Furthermore, it lead fewer difference between BTEX and TVOC. In 5 cases, the results show that higher ratio of using green building materials leads the lower concentrations of BTEX and AS-Toluene and makes them fewer difference. Thus, we know that to elevate the ratio of using healthy green building materials can decrease the concentrations of BTEX and other chemicals effectively. 6. The most occurrences in the result of voc in all the cases is BTEX. Through GC/MC, there are 34 chemicals are matched and reached more than 80% to the accuracy of the database. Among these results, the chemicals which appear more than 3 times are BTEXs of Toluene, Ethylbenzene Xylene. That means the chemicals of BTEXs is the point of the control projects. 7. The applicability of the models of emission recession in different ratios of using healthy green building materials. Through the R2 of the analysis in E.F. and Conc., the model of double exponential has a better prescription than 1st-order decay model and is a better prediction model of TVOC in the indoor environments when using difference ratio of the healthy green building materials.


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