  • 學位論文


Energy Saving Effects of LED Lighting System: six case studies

指導教授 : 李達生


隨著LED產業的快速成長以及技術之提升,截至2010年已有每瓦231流明的350mA LED問世,此LED之發光效率遠超過現行日光燈每瓦60流明的能量利用。據統計目前全球照明用電量約占全年總用電量20%,其中有高達九成的電能被轉換成熱能浪費,非常不具效益,因此,在環保、節能考量下,LED因具備省電、低污染及效率高的特性,讓其成為深具潛力照明技術。 在過往的文獻中較少關於LED應用於室內場所之光衰退相關之研究,因此本研究透過實地佈建LED光源於日常生活中常接觸的六個案例場所,分別為便利超商、辦公場所、醫療場所、大樓走道、餐飲速食業、與 道路照明,進行照度、電力量測與回收年限計算,提供相關實驗數據,並針對各場所使用情況與特色差異,利用不同的理論指標作為評估基準,探究其LED照明應用之合理性。


While the LED industry rapid growth and technology upgrading, there has been 231 lm/W of 350mA LED available. The LED of the illumination efficiency is far more than the existing fluorescent light 60 lm/W. According to statistics, global lighting electricity consumption throughout the year about 20% of total electricity consumption, There are up to 90% electricity converted into heat wasted, very ineffective. Therefore, LED for power saving with low pollution and high efficiency features, make LED lighting technology to be very promising. In this study, we deployment LED lighting in six case.There were convenience stores, office space, hospital, building walkways, fast food restaurants, and street lighting.Conducted illumination measurement、power measurement and recovery period calculation, provide experimental data,and for service condition and different characteristics in each case, indicators used for assessing different theoretical basis. Investigate the reasonableness of LED lighting applications.


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