  • 學位論文


Seismic Analysis of Precast Segmental External-Tensioned Bridge Columns

指導教授 : 宋裕祺


預鑄節塊工法是一種結合預鑄生產及機械化吊裝的施工方式。預鑄節塊外置預力橋墩讓工程師降低在施工期間的意外事件、免除施工期間對交通的中斷及加快建造的速度,亦可確保應有的建造品質及降低橋梁使用年限間的維護費用與建造期間對周遭環境的衝擊。此一工法在橋梁的上部結構已行之多年,然而對下部結構而言,則相對較少。 目前有關預鑄節塊外置預力橋墩的研究並不多見,本研究針對其耐震行為進行分析與探討。本研究使用有限元素軟體 ANSYS進行預鑄節塊橋柱遲滯迴圈分析,分析結果並與國內外相關反覆載重試驗成果進行比對;此外並使用SAP2000 以簡化模式進行預鑄節塊橋柱之Pushover分析,分析所得之力-位移曲線並與國內外相關反覆載重試驗成果相比對。此些分析所得結果與實驗成果尚稱吻合。


Precast segmental construction is a construction method involving the use of precast production and field mechanical erection. Precast Segmental External-Tensioned Bridge Columns allows engineers to minimize accidents in the work zone, to reduce traffic disruptions and to increase the speed of construction, while maintaining construction quality and minimizing the life-time cost as well as environmental impact. This type of construction has been widely used in bridge superstructures, however, its use in substructures is still limited. So far, few researches were devoted on precast segmental bridge columns with external prestressing, therefore, this study intends to perform seismic analysis of this special structure. The finite element software, ANSYS, was employed to conduct cyclic loading analysis of precast segmental bridge columns and the comparisons between the analytical results and experimental results were made. In addition, the SAP2000 was also used to conduct Pushover analysis of a simplified structure model. It shows that this study can provide an acceptable result in analysing the seismic behavior of this kind of substructure.


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