  • 學位論文


An Implementation Study of Customer-Oriented Packing and Loading System

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


二十一世紀是全球化競爭的世紀,企業在這物價上漲的微利時代,降低成本以增加利潤是企業非常重視的。此外,由於網際網路的發達以及消費者自主性與議價力量的提高,為了符合廣大消費者需求,企業在採購產品的時候,傾向採購少量、多樣的產品,並從全球各地採購產品,然後將產品集中至物流中心,經過分類、包裝之後,再將產品配送至各區域的營業據點直接上架販售,或者直接由產品製造商或供應商分類、包裝後,配送至各銷售據點,直接上架販售。因為產品的少量、多樣、全球採購且產品的需求數量也不盡相同,因此,產品的包裝大小亦有所差異,該如何將這些少量、多樣的產品加以分類包裝或製作外箱並裝箱,接著再運送至各地區的銷售據點直接上架,並簡化包裝承載流程以及降低企業的運輸物流成本,是企業非常在意的問題。 本研究參考過去學者所提出的確定性數學規劃方法,並藉此提出「裝箱裝櫃」模式以及「空間利用」模式,來求解顧客於產品包裝承載上的問題。同時使用Java 程式語言,並嵌入了數學最佳化套裝軟體Lingo,來開發一套以顧客需求為導向的包裝承載系統。 顧客導向包裝承載系統,可解決顧客採購產品時,產品少量、多樣、全球採購特性上的運輸物流難題,協助顧客降低運輸成本。提供使用者簡易的操作介面,方便使用者操作,最後的結果以立體圖形與數據報表來加以呈現,使顧客可以更快速地了解各項資訊,協助顧客制定其包裝承載的計畫與決策。


21 century is a time of global competition. Because of the tiny profits due to the inflation, to lower cost is the first thing enterprises want to do. Owing to the progressive Internet and high customers’ independency, enterprises tend to small quantity, variety, global purchase when ordering products. They either send products to Logistics Center and then deliver to territorial stores for sale, or send products to every point of sale directly by producers. Because of the characteristics above, enterprises care greatly about how to pack products, deliver to every point of sale, simplify the packing and loading procedure to lower logistic cost. This study mainly design a system of goods packing and loading concerning about customers’ demand to solve enterprises’ problem of transportation and delivery when packing and loading products. Besides, the study adopts the “Deterministic Mathematical Programming” methods of the prior scholar advanced to solve products packing and loading and to design the customer-oriented packing system. This study uses Java language and combines the mathematical optimization package, Lingo 9.0, to design the system. The customer-oriented packing system provides users with simple operation widget; it not only helps enterprises lower transportation cost and improve logistics efficiency, but presents the result with the three-dimensional figure which accommodate enterprises with all information and assist them to make packing program ever faster.


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