  • 學位論文


The Application of Reinforced Box Structure on Corrugated Paperboard Furniture Design

指導教授 : 黃子坤


由於綠色設計的訴求,正逐漸改變當代設計師的思維與作法,並形成一股新的設計潮流和趨勢,同時也反映出人類對於地球生態破壞的反思。因此本研究發展此概念於家具的設計,在材質的考量上,以好回收且具再生特性的瓦楞紙為主,以及利用回收性高的鋁擠型材料來作為補強,彼此相互搭配。 瓦楞紙相關產品使用於居家場合越來越普及,瓦楞紙製作而成的家具產品,可用於收納或是擺飾等。大部份的瓦楞紙產品,會運用重複堆疊的結構方式來達到穩固的效果,因此用紙量會增多。而本研究企圖利用箱型支助結構設計的方式來增加平板使用面的強度和桌腳易拆裝的結構設計,以達到結構穩固且用紙量少。設計發展過程經本研究針對遷徙族的需求,透過實作的方式來進行評估與設計包括:(1)由文獻得知遷徙族搬遷家具時所遭遇的困難,像是搬遷不易、拆卸組裝不便等現象。(2)對現有的瓦楞紙家具及其他類型的瓦楞紙結構,進行結構分析作為參考設計之用(3)在結構運用上,以平板使用面之箱型支助的結構為基礎,發展出數種可行之平板使用面,並應用於桌子的結構設計上。 運用平板使用面及桌腳結構設計的特點,具備以下優點:(1)桌面板及桌腳容易拆卸及組裝,不需要工具。(2)購買時搬運方便且容易DIY。(3)由於桌面板的紙零件包裝小其面積為1047×736(mm)和647×736(mm)各為兩片紙片,總厚度為12(mm),在賣場儲物及販賣時較不佔空間。(4)丟棄時容易分解和回收。(5)由於易拆裝,所以搬運方便可更換使用地點。(6)平板使用面及桌腳結構設計可應用發展到其他不同的家具產品上。


Because the green design requested, gradually, the changes of the contemporary designer's concepts and methods form with new fasion and the tendency. During same time, these were reflected humanity and were reconsidered as damaging the enviroment. Therefore the research comes up with a new concept of furniture design. By consideration of the material quality and the protecting the environment, the product needs to be recycled by high aluminum extrusion that makes the product stronger and is mutually matched. Using as a furniture product, the corrugated paper is considered to be the pratical material which becomes more and more popular to home situation. The product may use as either a piece of decoration or furniture. Most parts of corrugated paper’s product can be structured by piling and constructing each part which achieve the stable effect. Therefore the product can increase with the paper stability. However, this research’s attempt increases the structural design of using the reinforced boxes to support and the slab’s intensity. The table’s legs are easily to be structured or reconstructed. This fact is not only achieved the structure’s stablility but also is decreased the quantity of using Aluminum extrusion. The design’s developing process by the viewing of convienience is demanded after the research which penetrating with the product’s pratical utility. It includes: (1) According to literature, people know that the past furnitures are not either covienient or easy carring from one to another place, and hard to contructed and reconstructed. (2) Corrugated paper’s furnitures and other types of these were analyized by taking the reference of design. (3) Based on the structure, the slab of Reinforced Box, these develop different type of slab’s uses which can be applied on. Using the slab and the table foot structural design characteristic, the products were merited: (1) the table board and the table legs are easy to be constructed and reconstructed without tools. (2) When one buys the product, not only it can be easy carring around but being easy to DIY. (3) The slab and different parts of structures are not huge, and its area is 1047×736 (mm). Each two pieces of slips are 647×736 (mm), and the total thickness by joining them together is 12 (mm). So that the product does not take much space while storing in the storeage. (4) While discarding the product and it is also easy to decompose and the recycling. (5) The product is easy to constructed and reconstructed; so that, therefore it is convenience to moving it form one place to another place. (6) The slab and the table legs structural design may also apply on other different furnitures.


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