  • 學位論文


Using Data Mining Approach to Construct a Customer Lifetime Value Management Model of Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 林榮禾


現今企業經營處於日益激烈的競爭環境,為提升其競爭力,企業必須改善其獲利能力及有效分配企業資源以節省成本,若能有效的辨識顧客價值,並且把有限的資源有效地投入高價值顧客,並以正確的策略提升中低價值顧客的價值,將能有效的改善企業獲利。 本研究的主要目的為建立顧客終身價值管理系統,協助企業有效地改善其獲利能力及節省成本,並分為三個階段完成:首先整合RFM分析模式和案例式推理建立顧客終身價值模式幫助企業辨識顧客價值,並以Pearson相關性分析調整案例式推理之權重,以增進其預測能力;再以顧客價值分群模式將顧客分群,依據不同的顧客價值,將顧客分群管理以發展不同的策略;最後以關聯法則建構顧客發展策略模式,輔助訂定正確的行銷策略,提升中低價值顧客群的價值,進一步提升企業獲利。 研究結果顯示,此顧客終身價值管理模式可有效的辨識並管理顧客價值,輔助企業發展良好的顧客關係管理策略,以維繫和提升顧客價值,達到提升企業獲利之目的。


Nowadays, enterprises are lived in an increasing competitive environment. In order to enhance their competitiveness, enterprises must improve their profitability and assign their limited resources effectively to reduce costs. If enterprises can recognize the value of customers effectively, allocate the limited resources in the high-value customers, and use the correct strategy to enhance the value of the medium-value or low-value customers, then enterprises will be able to improve their profits. This research focuses on construct a Customer Lifetime Value Management System (CLVMS) to help enterprises improving their profitability and reduce costs. CLVMS will be divided into three stages as follows: First, the RFM analysis and Case-Based Reasoning are combined to build the Customer Lifetime Value Model to identifies customers value;Second, the Customer Value Cluster Model is constructed to segment customers to manage, and define the value of every groups;Finally, the association rule is applied to construct the Customer Development Strategy Model to make a correct decision for enhancing the value of the medium-value or low-value customers. Furthermore, that will effectively improve the profits of enterprises. Research results indicate that the CLVMS can effectively identify and manage the value of customers, and then help enterprises to develop the customer relationship management strategies for maintain and enhance the value of customer and the profits of enterprises.


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