  • 學位論文


Employing Service Quality Theory for Assessment of Product-Service System in Baggage Renting

指導教授 : 黃子坤


在環境破壞越來越嚴重的當下,許多人開始思考如何降低人類活動對環境帶來的衝擊。產品服務系統(Product-service system)為具有環境效益的商業概念,其定義為「一個系統包含-產品、服務、支持的網絡和基礎措施,被設計為具有競爭力、滿足客戶需求、比起傳統商業模式有較低的環境衝擊(Mont,2004)」。本研究首先藉由深度訪談了解行李箱產品租賃業者的服務設計現況。歸納比較現有行李箱租賃服務業者:(1)市場區隔在於行李箱品牌價值之高低;(2)消費動機包括臨時需要不同體積之行李箱、需求高品質之行李箱、多人同行需求增加等;(3)行李箱租賃業務受旅遊淡旺季之影響。本研究以服務品質五大構面理論為基礎,檢驗行李箱租賃業者之服務設計,歸納出影響行李箱租賃服務業者之產品品質和服務品質的共通因素、差異因素和問題點三大主題。其次從顧客端訪談資料歸納出一致認為重要的項目包括「產品品牌形象」、「好的產品保養維修」……等9項產品構面項目和「實體店面」、「彈性的歸還時間」……等27項服務構面項目。並同時以狩野模型之觀點歸納出提升顧客滿意度的魅力品質和一維品質的服務項目其中包括(1)有形性構面: 吸引人的物品佈置、吸引人的網路平台(2)可靠性構面: 迅速的貨運服務(3)反應性構面: 積極提供產品資訊說明(4)保證性構面: 耐心回應顧客的疑問、重視顧客便利性(5)同理心構面:24小時服務、提供專人收貨、送貨到府服務、瞭解顧客成本考量和給予特殊優惠(6)產品有形性構面: 提升產品外觀設計、產品品牌形象差異、產品的體貼的小功能(7)產品可靠性構面:可靠的產品品牌、行李箱間隔方式便利,等以上七大構面。


As the environmental damage is getting worse, people start to think about how to reduce the human impact on the environment. The concept of Product-Service System (PSS) not only a business strategy but also have environmental benefit. Mont (2004) defined PSS as “a system of products, services, supporting networks, and infrastructure that is designed to be competitive, satisfy customers' needs, and have a lower environmental impact than traditional business models”. “In-depth interview” is adopted in this research to collect the cases of the PSS in baggage renting. The analysis is based on conceptual model of five dimensions of service quality ,and plus product quality for inspecting the service design of baggage renting. The results are as following: (1)Tangibility:fascinating product display、fascinating website (2)Reliability:quick freight (3)Responsiveness: actively provide information of products (4)Assurance:answer the questions patiently、value convenience (5)Empathy:24 hours service、pick up the product personally、understand customers’ budget、give preference (6)Product Tangibility: appearance of baggage design、product’s brand image、kindly functions (7)Product Reliability: dependable brand of product、convenience partition of baggage


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