  • 學位論文


Taipei City Sin- Sheng Viaduct Green-Corridor Space Design

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


綠色網絡是建構生態城市的重要關鍵之一,包含水與綠之生態廊道。臺北市依山傍水,可以綠手指與水路來孕育生態網絡之基盤。生態城市之建構與歷史人文息息相關,歷史紋理及都會活動則扮演著串連自然生態環境的重要角色。 臺北市地理條件優異,水路及綠之生態廊道常被交通建設所掩蓋,目前大眾運輸已臻成熟,爭議多時的新生高架橋應可朝向生態城市的需求往生態廊道前進,新生大排因汙水接管完成而無須乘載排放之功能,此蘊藏有瑠公圳歷史人文與生態潛能的路段,可復育成為歷史及文化的生活街道,重塑都市環境中的生態、景觀、交通與活動間的平衡點,以發揮臺北綠之網的山水特色。 本設計論文以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,「臺北市新生高架橋上及橋下整體路段範圍」為操作對象,提出高架橋在未來以不擔負交通運輸功能之前提下,藉由都市高架道路空間、都市水圳空間、永續生態城市、都市空間場域與基地相關議題,歸納整合33項適用於臺北市新生高架橋綠廊道之規劃設計原則,相互推論導出6項設計概念,在進行二階邏輯推演情境出「冉冉綠蔭山曉望城晴空」、「青天風光禾圳水同流」之目標情境轉化為空間結構體,提供做為未來臺北市新生高架橋綠廊道規劃設計的參考與建議。


The key of building the Eco-City is the Green Network. The Green Network includes the corridor which involves water and lush plant. This city neighbors with nature. Government ‘s green-policy and the water system are the foundations of ecosystem network, however, the construction of Eco-City still connects with humanity, and the social activities also play the vital role as the bridge between the Eco-City and the environment. Taipei is setting in a beneficial location where mountain and river surround, although, the ecosystem corridor is usually covered by the transportation construction. Nevertheless the Sinsheng Viaducts is one of the controversial issue in Taipei City, since the viaducts brought the advantages for traffic jams, the viaduct surpassed over the Eco-City. Nowadays public transportation systems have been complete, therefore it is necessary to reconsider the priority between Eco-City and the viaduct. Furthermore the space under the viaducts becomes idle and messy, and it seriously influences the neighboring inhabitant and becomes problems in the recent years in Taipei City. In the view point of environment, removing the viaduct is not the only mean because Sinshen Viaduct line has potential for the Liugong(琉公)River’s humanity and ecosystem. Regarding to the eco-net, we should build the viaduct as a Green Corridor which doesn’t allow the cars passing through. Adjusting the around environment to become the space which connects with dwellers and natural green corridor. These changes will be good for the construction of Taipei Eco-City. This research base “Heuristic Structure” research method aim to improved “Taipei City Sin-Sheng viaduct include above and under the viaduct space design ” . In the situation of the viaduct is beneficial for the public transportation system’s function. Follow the 33 strategies of Taipei City Sin-Sheng viaduct green-corridor space Design. Depth to conduct interpretation to six “Deduction”, and go through the second depth to conduct interpretation into two “Goal situation and Definition”: “Stand on the green corridor can feel, slowly green view extend and spread from the mountain to the city, and all cities view greeting in your eyes”, “Blue sky, breeze wind with green plants and river flowing together in the city”. To provide our Taipei City Sin-Sheng viaduct green-corridor space can be well planning. The research provide references and suggestions as Taipei City Sin-Sheng viaduct green-corridor space, to be the reference for Taipei Eco-City plan in the near future.


[8] 傅寶玉編著,古圳:南桃園水圳空間與文化,台北市:行政院客家委員會臺灣客家文化中心籌備處,2007。


