  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Stores Staff and Customer Discretionary Behavior from Customer Advocacy Viewpoint-The Mediation Effect of Relationship Benefit

指導教授 : 廖森貴


利益行銷強調企業維繫顧客利益並不是只單純的站在消費者立場說話,應該要與其進行內心的對話,企業主動為顧客的利益設想,顧客感受到企業的誠意將會回以長期的信任、購買與加深其忠誠度,並且回饋相對利益給企業。 本研究從利益行銷觀點出發,以百貨專櫃、門市服務為例,透過關係利益的中介效果,探討其對顧客自發行為的影響。為了避免因相同分析資料來源所導致相同方法變異,本研究將調查問卷分為百貨服務人員與顧客問卷兩部分,分別進行填答,兩部份有效問卷各回收475份。另外,為了避免因同一時間填答而導致因果關係不明確,本研究採跨期間隔一個月的方式,不同的變數由不同的對象填答,第一期將針對百貨服務人員進行發放,以了解利益行銷應用之情形,第二期則對其顧客進行問卷發放,以降低影響研究結果正確性之因素。 根據研究假設與實證結果,證明服務人員透過利益行銷與顧客產生關係利益,將可提升顧客之自發行為,其不僅能使顧客產生忠誠度並且能夠讓顧客對企業有所信任,使企業達到永續經營的目標。


In this study, the advocacy of marketing from the point of view, to department store counters, store service, for instance, through the mediating effect of relationship benefits and explore its impact. In order to avoid the same sources of information lead to the same method variance, this study questionnaire and the customer service department is divided into two parts of the questionnaire, respectively respondents, the two parts of the recovery of 475 valid questionnaires. In addition, in order to avoid the same time respondents resulting causality is not clear, this study separated during the month across the way, the different variables respondents from the different objects. According to the hypotheses and empirical results, that the interests of service personnel through the produce marketing and customer relationship benefit, will enhance customer of spontaneous acts of the customers can not only be loyal and give customers on the enterprises can trust, so that enterprises achieve sustainable business objectives.


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