  • 學位論文


The research of the phenomenon of reusing indoor chair in the neighbourhood park of Taichung City

指導教授 : 彭瑞玟


在公園與居民互動頻繁的過程中發現,有一特殊現象,公園中經常出現室內家用坐具,本研究稱之為「私人椅」。探討私人椅,其目的有二(1)找出這些私人椅的共通之處。(2)置放私人椅背後的行為意涵。 根據台中市政府建設局公佈,目前有179 座不同型態的公園,本研究選擇以台中市140 座鄰里公園為樣本,實地探訪。探訪分析後得到結論,在私人椅共通處上,顯示以有椅背、單人、塑膠材質之形式居多,置放點幾乎於遮蔽物旁或有照明之處。統計檢定顯現一些私人椅形成的規則,如公園存有廟宇、公園外圍有公共椅皆會使私人椅置放於公園。在置放私人椅背後的行為意涵上,公園中私人椅據點多以「看與被看」的行為為主,且公園類型選擇以視野較佳的公園觀看行為越盛;置放私人椅的行為顯示舊時文化的延續;因為地域性特權私人椅聚集,私人椅聚集的行為因為人的習慣特性而發生。


環境心理公園 椅子


In discovery of the process that interacts with the usage frequency in Taichung’s public parks. An interesting phenomenonhas been discovered during my study of Taichung’s public parks. Through the study, I have notice the frequency of using private/personal chairs – “indoor chair” in Taichung’s public parks, and this research paper will be focusing on the topic of “indoor chair”Probe into the indoor chair, its purpose is two (1)Find out the places applicable to all of these indoor chairs.(2)Behavior meaning behind putting the indoor chair. According to the Construction Bureau of Government in Taichung, there are 179 different attitudes at present, this research chooses to regard 140 of neighborhood parks in Taichung as samples. Furthermore, the applicable to all of indoor chair, it is in the majority placed in the form of the back of the chairs, single, plastic material to display, and placed one near by the defilade or have places lighted. According to statistic, it appears that the privately own chair has the form of assay to count. For instance have temple, park periphery have public chair can make indoor chair put to the park all. The behaviour behind installing the indoor chair, the private chair’s stronghold takes behaviour that “to be seen and being seen” as the focus., and choose to watch the behaviour holding in the better park with the vision in the type of parks; Continuation of culture that the behavior of installation of the indoor chair has shown the outdated practice and behaviour when comparing to the modern practice. Due to geographically nature and the human behaviour of local residence, the “indoor char” gathering behaviour has became an interesting characteristic of local residence.


environmental psychology park chair


