  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Position-Free Fall Detection System Based on Android Smart Phone

指導教授 : 李仁貴


近年來全球許多國家均面臨到高齡化人口及少子化問題,所以老人照護問題變得越來越重要,跌倒在居家照護中是常見的問題,當老人跌倒時如果無法得到適當的幫助及醫療支援會造成更大的傷害,因此跌倒偵測系統成為近年來相當熱門的研究議題。 透過過往的文獻可以將跌倒偵測系統分為三種類型,分別是穿戴感測器式、環境感測器式、影像感測器式等三類,其中以穿戴感測器式為大宗,而過去的穿戴感測器式的相關研究面臨到因為需要安裝額外感測器與感測器需整合通訊模組, 還有偵測功能僅針對特定位置等造成使用者意願下降的問題。 本文為了解決上述造成使用者意願下降之問題,利用現今智慧型手機內建之三軸加速度計,陀螺儀,光源感測器,方位感應器等微機電感測器,完成具有可於不同位置進行跌倒偵測及自行判斷感測器放置位置功能之跌倒偵測系統,本文中描述之系統透過智慧型手機擁有體積小、成本低、整合多種通訊模組與感測器等優點解決了上述問題讓跌倒偵測更進一步被老年人所接受。


In many countries, population aging has become a common problem and falls are the number one cause of injury in older adults. Fall will make elderly lose the ability to activities of daily living, it will produce many social problems, and cause the waste of medical costs, so fall detection has become an important research topic. This paper proposed a fall detection system based on android smartphone, this system can detect fall event on three positions of user included chest, waist, thigh, and user can select a positon that feel comfortable. System will detect the position of phone and adjust the threshold value according to the phone position. The sensitivity on three positions are 92%, 87% and 89% respectively, the specificity on three positions are 100%, 100% and 98% respectively.


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