  • 學位論文


Indoor Air Quality Diagnostic Expert System for optimal improvement measures

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


不同場所的室內環境條件不同,如通風方式、人員使用情形、室內裝潢程度等影響,造成最佳的空氣品質改善措施組合也隨之不同。研究目的在於建立一項評估模式,評估室內空氣品質實際改善中,各項使用措施之貢獻度。 研究中主要以受體模式建構一套室內空氣品質改善措施最佳化評估模式,其中質量平衡模式以背景實驗結果推估實驗場所各項特徵參數,如換氣率與場所人數關係、各污染物衰減係數;之後以特徵參數推估各污染物改善前後之濃度變化,經由實際場所改善實驗驗證評估模式之可行性及各改善措施之貢獻度。 改善措施包括一台全熱交換器(外氣引入風量48.7m3/hr)(VE),以及分別使用HEPA濾網(HE)、活性碳濾網(AC)及光觸媒濾網(PC)之空氣清淨機)。改善實驗以有無使用全熱交換器引入室外空氣區分成兩組實驗。第一組實驗中,各措施之貢獻度為HE:10.0%~84.8%、AC:14.7%~89.4、PC:0.5%~0.6%。第二組實驗各措施之貢獻度為VE:55.9%~79.1%、HE:20.9%~43.4%、AC:0.0%~0.0%、PC:0.0%~0.7%。


The Taiwan government enacted the Indoor Air Quality Management Act (IAQMA) in the year 2011. This Act defines indoor air pollutants and indoor air quality standards. There are many factors which affect indoor air quality like ventilation, decorating materials, human inhalation, office utensil etc. and this makes the best combination of improvement measures unique to a specific place. The goal in this study was to design an assessment model which could assess the contribution of different improvement measures in real site. This optimal improvement measures assessment model was based on a receptor model and combined with a mass balance model. The mass balance model was used to establish the characteristic factors at the experimental site. Finally, the results of the improvement experiment verified the feasibility of this assessment model. The improvement measures in this study included a total heat exchanger and two air cleaners. The total heat exchanger could increase 48.7 m3/hr of ventilation (VE). One air cleaner had an HEPA filter (HE) and an active carbon filter (AC) installed. The other air cleaner had a ZnO photo catalyst filter (PC) installed. The results of the first group of experiments showed that the contributions of HE were: 10.0%~84.8%, AC: 14.7%~89.4% and PC: 0.5%~0.6%. The results of the second group of experiments showed that the contributions of VE were: 55.9%~79.1%, HE: 20.9%~43.4%, AC: 0.0%~0.0%, PC: 0.0%~0.7%.


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