  • 學位論文


Slurry Paving and Drying Device of Rapid Prototyping Machine

指導教授 : 湯華興


快速原型是利用積層加工的方式來建構工件,10mm高度的工件,可能需要鋪層數百層,且每層均要能穩定的鋪層。現有的機台有明顯的不穩定的現象:鋪料時,刮刀的分配器中漿料分配不均勻,以及生胚的邊緣因懸崖效應而凸起、在供料時,供料機構會使漿料在刮刀前堆積,而造成不均勻的下滲,在乾燥的時候,由於上下加熱的溫度不同,而導致生胚與工作平台分離,影響工件成型。 針對以上發生的問題,擬定以下的解決方案,設計能使漿料均勻分配的刮刀、微調機構、定壓式供料機構以及均勻加熱的乾燥機構。並以皮帶輪XY式快速原型機測試上述的鋪層系統,以4種漿料搭配5種分配道角度尋找合適的角度,再以4種壓力和刮刀速度尋找合適的壓力與速度以改善下滲等問題。乾燥機構則以實際鋪層確認均勻乾燥能減少生胚翹曲。 經實驗證實,利用本研究設計之鋪層系統及乾燥機構,以5%PVA體積比的漿料,分配道夾角170度,以0.01Mpa的壓力,0秒預壓時間,73.33mm/s之刮刀速度之條件下可以做均勻的鋪料,乾燥時,生胚表面溫度維持在60℃以下可以防止生胚翹曲和氣泡的產生,並能減少乾燥時間,有效的減少製程缺漏的發生。


鋪料 乾燥 快速原型機


Rapid prototyping utilize laminated processing to construct the workpiece, a thin layer of 10mm height need hundreds of layers, so the stability of the process and automation is a prerequisite condition to guarantee workpiece quality. The blade material will be uneven distribution when machine in the shop, and the occurrence of health embryos warpage., the feed mechanism will be deposited lead to uneven infiltration before the blade material in the feeding.Because of different upper and lower heating temperature in the dry, resulting in students embryo splitting and working platform, affecting rapid prototyping parts molding. The solution of this study is to design and manufacturing automation paving, drying system, constant pressure feeding mechanism and uniform heating of the drying mechanism. XY-style rapid prototyping using pulleys above test overlay system, with four kinds of slurry with five kinds distribution channel of angles to find the right angle. Then four kinds of pressure and blade speed to find the right pressure and speed to improve infiltration and other issues. Drying agency using the effective ply to confirme uniform drying can reduce raw embryo warpage.


layer paving Drying Rapid Prototyping


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