  • 學位論文


Strategy Information Technology Investment Decision Model – A Game Theory and Real Option Approach

指導教授 : 林榮和


在企業眾多的投資項目中,資訊科技投資的金額及其為企業帶來的策略價值都越來越重要,但基於資訊科技投資的特殊性質諸如科技專案的管理彈性如何評價、資訊科技帶來的競爭優勢及資訊科技基礎建設的改進等,並非傳統資產投資的評估方法能合理的計算出其資訊科技投資的價值。因此本研究採用實質選擇權方法取代傳統的評價方法,將資訊科技投資所進行的科技研發視為一種實質選擇權,當企業取得新科技之後就等同取得後續策略投資的權利。然而利用實質選擇權仍無法有效地評估進行資訊科技投資所帶來的競爭優勢,因此本研究將實質選擇權結合賽局理論,進一步考慮產業環境中競爭對手回應的不確定性。當競爭對手有相同的資訊科技投資計畫時,企業究竟是該搶先投資訊科技來取得先佔優勢;又或是為了確保科技投資計畫成功,是否應該觀察市場需求或等待新科技的發展情況良好後再進行投資,如此進退兩難的困境,企業一直缺乏有效的科技投資評估方法。因此,本研究將實質選擇權理論計算出的投資效益導入賽局報酬中,利用賽局理論中的“均衡”概念,先思考競爭對手的可能投資策略,再得到企業的最適投資策略。醫療產業的競爭情況亦越演越烈,小型醫院企圖合併為避免被併吞,而大型醫院而不斷併購來更加的擴展規模,為了醫院的永續生存及提升服務品質,導入資訊科技進行「醫院電子化」必定是未來的潮流;整個台灣的醫療環境,在政府的醫療網計畫及法令影響下,更形成少數壟斷的寡佔市場,醫院在進行資訊科技投資時,新的醫療服務然能增加更多收入來源,但是病患對新服務的接受程度及新科技未來的不確定性都可能會影響投資計畫的失敗。 故本研究提出的投資決策模式,就是從資訊科技策略性投資的角度切入,整理過去產業的資訊科技投資競爭案例,探討影響競爭結果的因素,結合賽局理論及實選擇權理論,提出一個資訊科技策略投資決策模式;並模擬兩家醫院的資訊科技投資賽局,來探討醫院在消費市場需求不確定性、科技未來發展的不確定性及競爭對手回應的不確定性下,制定其資訊科技投資策略。


This paper applies real option theory to replace the traditional evaluate investment method. Regard the technology research and develop investment as a real option, when enterprises acquire a new technology, is equal to get the chance to make the follow-up strategy investment. However, the theory of real option is not suitable for evaluation of the competition advantage made by information technology investment, such as the preempt market advantage, the brand lead advantage and the patent advantage. This paper combines the theory of real option and game theory, considers the uncertainty of the rival reacts in industry's environment. This paper also transfers the investment benefit from theory of real option to the payoff in game theory, utilizes “Equilibrium Concept” in the game theory, ponders over the rival's possible investment strategy, and gets the optimal investment strategy of enterprises. Therefore, the investment decision model, combining the game theory and theory of real option, is proposed in this paper which is based on terms of strategic information technology investment. Finally, there are two Hospital MIS investment cases: 1) the investment of dynamic environment with the uncertainty of medical market demand and 2) uncertainty of technology development in the future and uncertainty of the rival reacts, to demonstrate how to make the best information technology investment strategy and its efficiency.


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