  • 學位論文


The Study of the Housing Development and Marketing trategy for the Real Estate Business

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


加入WTO後,台灣本土產業面臨全球化挑戰。近年來全球經濟衰退投資下降,中國經濟體崛起之吸金效應,迫使台灣產業不斷西進影響,導致失業率持續攀升;建築業首當其衝。從1997東南亞經濟風暴,1998 下半年台灣企業接連發生財務危機,引爆台灣房地產泡沫化陸續發生上市櫃等建設公司掏空弊案及財務危機。回顧台灣建築業經營環境發展常隨景氣、政治、社會等因素多變化的影響。建築業產業價值鏈活動中:一、經營策略、資金穩健、土地開發、業務企劃、代銷公司行銷,營造技術、專案管理。二、組織管理、成本控制。三、售後服務、加值服務、新技術工法引進等有著密切關係。例如在台灣建築業產銷演進中,發現代銷公司在產業價值鏈活動扮演著攸關推案案前作業三大關鍵成功因素:一、研發、產品定位、規劃。二、行銷企劃包裝、三、專案執行、銷售把握度等。如代銷公司遴選及配合能早期進入協同設計與協同企劃常關係整體推案獲利與成敗。研究建築業產銷模式已成為創造競爭力重要課題。 本研究觀察台灣建築業產業價值鏈活動發展演進,在經歷不同階段景氣循環來詮釋環境變動。分析影響產銷關鍵因素外,嘗試比較、歸納適合台灣建築業之產銷模式,藉以提供台灣建築業整體推案把握度。本研究分為兩大單元,第一單元採用文獻探討,從觀察台灣建築業產業的,1產業生命週期、2產業結構分析、3經營策略、4目標行銷,營運型態等發展演進,進行綜合分析隨環境變動影響產銷關鍵因素。第二單元則是分析三個實證個案產銷模式之成功因素,並結合德菲法由產、官、學界專家深度訪談,藉德菲法專家實務見解為主軸;嘗試歸納適合台灣建築業三種產銷模式: 1、研發-協同企劃-設計-協同銷售-營建-售服模式 2、研發-協同企劃-協同設計-代理銷售-協同營建-協同售服模式 3、協同研發-代理企劃-協同設計-代理銷售-代理營建-代理售服模式等。台灣建築業產業環境常隨景氣、政治、社會等因素多變化的,廠商經營產銷模式的選擇亦各有差異,本研究之命題與實務觀察發現,應可提供台灣建築業產銷模式導入營運之參考,為疲弱之台灣建築業注入活力,有助於提供學術界思考制訂繼續深入研究方向參考。


Since Taiwan joined WTO association, the traditional industry in Taiwan is not only local market but also global market. The Taiwan real estate business has been worse and challenging. Emerging market as China is attractive everyone, most of Taiwan estate companies have been heading to China and investment more and more, thought, in the pass few years of global economy recession. In 1997, Asian financial storm occurred and then many stock pubic of Taiwan estate companies had finical problems and some closed in 1998 followed by. In the overview, the evolution of Taiwan real estate business industry has been going from the economy, polity and society such as environmental conditions. The value chain of Taiwan real estate business industry is that: 1. Management strategy, cash flow, estate investment and development, sales marketing, construction techniques and project management. 2. Organization development and cost control. 3. Post sales service, valued added service and new technology adoption. The housing agent is a key to the housing development and marketing strategy of Taiwan real estate business while in investment stage, affecting 3 of key-success-factor (KSF) known as: 1. Product development, position and plan. 2. Marketing plan and promotion. 3. Schedule and project execution. However, the good selection of housing agent in early collaboration is the key to project success. This study is targeting on value chain evolution of Taiwan real estate business in economic environment. It’s by analysis the business modules with the factors of housing development and marketing strategy to provide the sales confidence. The section one is literature review that is factors study as well as the combination of product life cycle, analysis of construction, business strategy, sales and marketing. The section two is research result that has generated 3 kinds of Business Modules suitable for Taiwan real estate business industry by Delphi method and analysis of 3 case studies. The study results to the 3 business modules are: 1. Research- Marketing collaboration– Design- Sales collaboration- Construction- Service. 2. Research- Marketing collaboration- Design collaboration- Sales agent- Construction collaboration- Service collaboration. 3. Research collaboration- Marketing agent- Design collaboration- Sales agent- Construction agent- Service collaboration. The Taiwan real estate business industry has been changing anytime, thus, the chose of business modules is important. The result of this study attempts to provide Taiwan real estate business industry the reference of business modules about housing development and marketing strategy to give the direction of further study.


Housing Estate Business Delphi Method


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