  • 學位論文


The Study of An Appropriate Chair and Desk for Kindergarten Classrooms

指導教授 : 廖武藏


處在成長發育期的幼稚園小朋友,不恰當的課桌椅,對視力和身體健康都有不良的影響,顧及此發育期的小朋友比成年人更具適應性及可塑性,因此為幼兒選配家具時更須謹慎。在幼兒的世界裡,讓他們在玩樂中快樂地學習成長是很重要的,知覺發展期幼兒的認知發展及學習與環境特性息息相關。 本研究採用了「深入訪談法」及「深入觀察法」來進行研究,針對不同的項度探討相關人士的論點與幼兒需求上差異的表現。研究的方法與流程,主要是透過對幼兒的行為觀察、桌椅現況調查與相關人士(老師,專家,製造商)的訪談後,希望了解現今幼兒課桌椅的優缺點、幼兒的使用狀況、課程上的教學方法及未來的教育趨勢,以根據幼兒的需求研究出一個適合在幼稚園階段使用的最佳室內桌椅之設計概念。經本研究之分析後結果說明如下: 未來的教學方式還是以主題式教學為主,所以桌椅融入主題式課程,將是未來的趨勢。幼兒喜歡高彩度及豐富的色彩,再加上與不同材質呈現的組合,這樣不但符合幼兒的喜好需求也對幼兒的發展需求有所幫助。更能解決部分課程上所需要的變化性教具設備,也增加幼兒遊戲時的趣味度。 研究中發現,幼兒的好動以致於對椅子不當的使用,容易造成椅子結構的鬆動,所以必須加強椅子的結構強度;在桌子方面,對於倒圓角的程度還需重新定義,且桌子的周邊可以使用軟性材質收邊,減少幼兒衝撞的危險性。目前桌椅的重量對幼兒來說都太重,幼兒不易搬動,必須選用質地輕盈及穩定性佳的材質。而桌椅尺寸已經不敷現在的幼兒使用,所以可調整高低的規範,是目前可以解決幼兒身體尺寸不一與桌椅的問題。


幼稚園 幼兒需求 適用性 桌椅


During their growing years, improper designed furnitures have a harmful effect on children’s eyesight and health. Because children are more susceptible to environment changes than adults, it is imperatives that children’s furniture be selected with safety and well-being in mind. The furniture selection should also stimulate the children’s learning process and provide fun and entertainment. This study takes the approach of talking and observing to various experts with their different opinions and analyzing various ideas to come to the conclusion on the best furniture design for children. After numerous observations and interviewing with the correlates (teachers, experts, furniture manufactures), the study summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of today’s furniture, the improper use of the furniture by children, and the future direction in the use of furniture in the classroom. Finally, base on these findings, the study suggests the most proper way to design furniture for children with the following key points: The teaching way in the future relies mainly on theme type teaching, the furniture would be designed to incorporate theme type course, and will be a future trend. Children prefer high chroma and abundant color, and the combinations appearing with different materials. It is not only accorded with the children’s taste demand but also helpful for the development demand of children. In the other hand, it will help to solve the demand of variable teaching equipment which curricula needs at the same time to increase the interest when playing games. In the research we discovered that children active to the chair improper use, it is apt to cause the chair structure becoming less crowded, so when design the children’s desk chair it must strengthen the structure of the chair. Also, with desk aspect, the round building corner is needed to be redefined. The desk may used soft material finish which to reduce the danger. The weight of furniture is too heavy for the children to move, it will be selected with light and good stability material to facilitate children moving while using. Nowadays the furniture dimension is insufficient to use, increase the norm of adjustable level, will be the solution for the problem between desk & chair and child’s body size.


Kindergarten Appropriateness Chair and Desk


27.林文昌(Jose M. Parramon原著),民86,色彩,三民書局


