  • 學位論文


Effects of content presentation mode and foreign language proficiency on cognitive load and listening comprehension in mobile learning environment

指導教授 : 張基成


本研究嘗試在行動學習的環境下探討教學內容呈現模式對認知負荷與英語聽力之影響。研究重點有三:首先,當英語學習者在進行聽力訓練時,同時提供文字輔助,是否因為「模式效應」(the modality effect)而降低認知負荷,還是因為「重複效應」(the redundancy effect)而增加認知負荷,亦或以上兩種效應會根據學生的專家程度 (the expertise level),而造成不同程度的認知負荷,即所謂的「專家反向效應」。其次,本研究探討,前述的三種效應對學習成效的影響。本研究的第三重點是探討認知負荷和學習成效的關係。另外,在教學實驗完畢後,藉由問卷調查學生對於行動學習和文字輔助的意見與感受,作為研究發現的佐證。研究對象為162位科技大學主修應用外語的學生。利用學生校外教學的機會,以行動載具(PDA)同時進行英語聽力訓練。學生以隨機方式被分派到「單一模式」(single mode)組或「雙重模式」(dual mode)組。「單一模式」即只有提供聽力段落;相對地,「雙重模式」提供聽力段落和同步的文字輔助。 研究結果顯示,學習者英文能力在多媒體內容呈現模式對於認知負荷的影響具有調節作用;能力低的學生受惠於文字輔助,而降低認知負荷的程度。然而,學習者英文能力在多媒體內容呈現模式對於學習成效的影響則無調節作用。亦即,不管學習者的語言能力如何,「雙重模式」組的聽力測驗成績皆高於「單一模式」組。最後,認知負荷和學習成效呈現負相關的關係。 本研究建議: (一) 行動學習可以提供另一種學習概念,並非取代傳統學習;(二) 進行行動學習,由於環境的變化和周遭可能的突發事件,對學生造成較高的認知負荷,教師需要仔細規劃教材的呈現方式和課前活動 (pre-task activities);(三) 由於行動學習的周邊環境容易讓學生分心,故提供文字輔助有助於學習者降低認知負荷與提高學習表現。


This study explored the effects of content presentation mode on students’ cognitive load and listening comprehension in a mobile learning context. The first focus of this study was to investigate the effects of modality effects and its possible interaction with learners’ language proficiency level on the cognitive load. A second focus of the study was to probe the influence of these factors on students’ English listening comprehension. The third focus examined the correlation between cognitive load and task performance. Finally, students’ opinions regarding mobile learning treatment were collected to triangulate statistical results. One hundred and sixty two students majoring in English in a technology university, using PDA as the learning tool for mobile listening comprehension training, were randomly assigned to one of the two presentation modes: (1) the single mode in which students were engaged in auditory materials only and (2) the dual mode in which they were exposed to audio and textual inputs simultaneously. Hierarchical regression was employed to examine the moderating effect of the learner’s proficiency levels. The results confirmed the moderator role of English proficiency in the modality effect on cognitive load; students with lower proficiency appeared to be more perceptive of the text aid. However, the moderating effect was not obtained on the task performance. Students provided with dual mode outperformed their counterpart group provided with single mode treatment. Finally, cognitive load was negatively correlated with task performance. This study recommends that written text be displayed when students are engaged in a mobile English listening comprehension task to reduce learners’ cognitive load and to enhance listening comprehension. Also, the study provided pedagogical implications for content presentation when adopting mobile language learning.


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