  • 學位論文


A Study on Vocational High School Administrators’ Awareness of the Evaluation Uses in the Vocational High Schools and its Influential Factors

指導教授 : 曾淑惠


本研究旨在瞭解高職學校行政主管知覺我國高職學校評鑑,在促進學校改善,提升教育成效等目的和各種用途使用上之重要程度與落實程度間差異,並探究可能影響高職學校評鑑使用之相關因素。以教育部國民及學前教育署(2013)所公布,我國自2008年起至2013年止,接受高職學校評鑑之155所高級職業學校(以下簡稱為高職)作為研究範圍,再以2014年服務於研究範圍所列155所高職日間部正式編制內現任行政一、二級主管之教師及行政人員,作為本研究之研究對象。採取自編之「高職學校行政主管對學校評鑑使用及其影響因素知覺調查問卷」為研究工具,共發出問卷970份,回收928份,有效問卷897份,問卷回收有效率為92.47%。統計方法採描述性統計分析、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、成對樣本t檢定、重要-表現程度分析法、逐步多元迴歸分析等方法。經資料處理分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、高職學校行政主管對整體學校評鑑使用重要程度呈現中高程度知覺,其中以「象徵性使用:政策宣導與行銷」層面最高、「觀念性使用:強化溝通與瞭解」層面最低。 二、高職學校行政主管對整體學校評鑑使用落實程度呈現中高程度知覺,其中以「象徵性使用:政策宣導與行銷」構面最高、「工具性使用:學校發展與決策」構面最低。 三、高職學校行政主管對學校評鑑使用重要程度知覺會因學校性質、學校規模與最高學歷而有差異。 四、高職學校行政主管對學校評鑑使用落實程度知覺會因學校性質、學校規模、最高學歷而有差異。 五、高職學校行政主管對學校評鑑使用重要程度知覺顯著高於落實程度知覺。 六、「學校評鑑的結果和報告內容不具體或太乏味」是高職學校行政主管知覺學校評鑑未使用之最主要原因。 七、高職學校行政主管對整體學校評鑑使用影響因素呈現中高程度知覺,其中以「組織學習與利益關係人參與」層面最高、「評鑑設計的品質」層面最低。 八、高職學校行政主管對學校評鑑影響因素知覺會因學校性質、學校規模、性別與最高學歷而有差異。 九、評鑑使用影響因素「報告的品質與公信力」、「組織學習與利益關係人參與」及「評鑑設計的品質」對高職學校評鑑實際使用落實程度有顯著預測力,其中「報告的品質與公信力」最能預測高職學校評鑑實際使用落實程度。 最後根據文獻探討及研究結論,對教育主管機關、高職學校及高職教師提出建議。


This study aims to understand vocational high school administrators’ awareness of evaluation uses for purposes, such as urging schools to get improved, raise the educational effects etc. Second, it aims to clarify the discrepancy between the degree of importance and the degree of implementation in various evaluation uses. Third, this study explores the related factors that may influence the evaluation uses in vocational high schools. According to the data from K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education (2013), there are 155 vocational high schools that have been evaluated from 2008 to 2013. The research target is the chief administrators and the secondary administrators in these 155 vocational high schools, night school and temporary staff excluded. The research instrument is “Vocational High School Administrators’ Awareness of the Evaluation Uses in the Vocational High Schools and its Influential Factors Questionnaire.” 970 questionnaires are distributed and 928 of them are retrieved. 897 effective samples are returned; the effective response rate is 92.47%. Statistical analysis tools include descriptive statistics, One-Samples T Test, Independent-Samples T Test, One way ANOVA, Paired-Samples T Test, Importance-Performance Analysis, and Stepwise Regression Procedure. After the analyses of the data, there are nine conclusions as follows: 1. The vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the importance of school evaluation use is medium high. In all the evaluation uses, “symbolic use: policy promotion and marketing” is the highest; “conceptual use: reinforcement of communication and understanding” is the lowest. 2. The vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the implementation of school evaluation use is medium high. In all the evaluation uses, “symbolic use: policy promotion and marketing” is the highest; “instrumental use: school development and decision making” is the lowest. 3. The vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the importance of school evaluation use varies because of school size, the administrators’ highest education and whether the school is a public school or not. 4. The vocational high school executive officers’ perception level of the implementation of school evaluation use varies because of school size, the administrators’ highest education and whether the school is a public school or not. 5. The vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the importance of school evaluation use is obviously higher than the vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the implementation of school evaluation use. 6. “The school evaluation results and reports are not concrete or they are too boring” is the main reason that vocational high school administrators perceive the school evaluations are not used. 7. The vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the influential factors of school evaluation use is medium high. Among the factors, “organization learning and stakeholders’ participation” is the highest; “the quality of evaluation design” is the lowest. 8. The vocational high school administrators’ perception level of the influential factors of school evaluation use varies because of administrators’ gender, highest education, school size, and whether the school is a public school or not. 9. Three influential factors of school evaluation use have significant predictability in the degree of implementation of vocational high school evaluation use: “the quality and credibility of a report,” “organization learning and stakeholders’ participation,” and “the quality of evaluation design.” Among these factors, “the quality and credibility of a report” has the most powerful predictability. Based on the literature review and the conclusions above, this study provides some suggestions for the authorities concerned, vocational high schools, and vocational high school teachers.


