  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Enterprise Information Portal Using UML Technology–A Case study of Security Industry

指導教授 : 邱垂昱


近年來由於WTO開放及外資金融產業相繼進入我國。我國的證券產業為了維持大者恆大及規模競爭的優勢,紛紛採取同業合併或相近產業合併來擴張經營版圖。然而,在這一波波合併中,不論是購併者或是被併購者皆因新的組織調整而造成大量的人力調動。而人力調動之後首當其衝的,即是組織內部原有隱藏的知識地圖就此打亂。於是造成許多工作找不到合適的人做,或是適合的人做不適合的工作。也進而造成優秀的組織成員無法發揮既有實力而紛紛求去。以企業的角度而言,如此龎大的智慧財就此流失比設備損失更為嚴重。畢竟, 21世紀為創新的世紀,企業重要資產將逐漸由有形資產-產品設備漸次轉移至無形資產的智慧財。因為,在創新的過程中無形的智慧資產所創造的效益遠勝於有形的設備資產,且智慧財是無法隨時以金錢購買的。也因此,企業合併本身的焦點當然不只是著眼場所設備的擴充,更重要的是合併企業智慧的加總。 近年來由於網際網路的普及,企業在建置資訊系統時紛紛將日常的資訊系統放置在網路上供企業員工使用。而對內最常用的網路資訊平台即為企業資訊入口網站。因此,在企業日常運作中若能利用企業資訊入口網站將資料儲存於企業中,未來在進行企業合併時,只需進行雙方企業資訊入口網站的資料合併。即可以最快速的方式分享雙方的知識。 本研究針對金融業中變動速度最快的證券業,設計與分析一套企業資訊入口網站。期望藉由此知識平台提供企業員工日常作業的儲存環境並在儲存時即將知識分類儲存,簡化企業內知識收集及搜尋的困難。並在設計與分析實作上運用UML技術,以呈現企業資訊入口網站架構。


In face of Taiwan’s entry to the WTO and Taiwan’s market open strategy to foreign financial industry, the financial security companies in Taiwan are employing vertical or horizontal merging strategies to keep organization expansion and economy-scale competitive edge. Whether being merged or merging others, new organizations have leaded to massive human resources relocation and adjustment in this merging trend. The integrations of facilities and human resource might bring new organizations into an advantageous position. However, it might also cause the problems of losing the domain knowledge after mergers if the new companies have no techniques to manage the knowledge which they have. The original knowledge within companies will be in disorder and the right persons might be put in the wrong positions. For enterprises, losing the intellectual property with the manpower is worse than losing facility property. Therefore, making a good knowledge management through human resource management is the most important lesson for mergers. The crucial factor of a successful merger should be how to help companies to accumulate the domain knowledge from experienced employees to make the business work more efficiently. Information technology and Internet techniques has been rapidly developed recently. The Interactions between enterprises and employees have also dramatically changed. Therefore, a successful merger can not work smoothly without technology. Nowadays, the most common information platform is enterprise information portal which can provide daily information for employees and store all kinds of information. Through this knowledge platform, we can merge companies smoothly with the help of merging the information on their own enterprise information portal. It makes mergers much easier and cause less communication problems between enterprises as well as employees. This research is focused on swiftly changing financial security industry to analyze and design an enterprise information portal. Through this knowledge platform, we anticipate to provide enterprise employees storage environments of routine operation and to categorize the knowledge simultaneously, and simplify the difficulties in knowledge gathering and searching. This research also employs UML technology in designing and analyzing to demonstrate the information portal architecture.


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