  • 學位論文


The Study of Integrated Marketing on Salon Chain Business Performance

指導教授 : 林榮禾


近年來,隨著連鎖企業的快速發展、流行資訊的快速傳遞,生活物質水準提升與自我形象要求增加,美髮沙龍連鎖店充斥林立不亞於便利超商。在如此激烈競爭的環境下,美髮連鎖業必需面對一個重要的議題,就是如何有效的運用整合行銷策略來提升來客量以及營業績效,並以預算控制策略整合企業內所有行銷計畫,加速其於快速發展的環境中脫穎而出。整合行銷是一種規劃的流程,它將許多不同的行動與具體作法結合在一起,於傳統行銷的「產品、價位、通路與促銷」再加入「人員、設備、流程管理」的元素,然後依據不同的消費族群選擇適當的傳播工具,以避免資源與成本的浪費,又可使傳播的效果發揮到最大。 本研究以SL髮廊在執行整合性行銷為個案,來說明整合行銷執行前與執行後之來客數及營業績效的影響。個案經由專案小組成立,整合公司內部資源,配合供應商找出適當季節性產品來共同合作,共同推出整合行銷後,以營業績效的成長來做為評估。研究方法以個案研究法、深度訪談法與個案資料分析來瞭解整合行銷是否有利於的提升客量及營業績效。 研究結果顯示,整合性行銷可以提高顧客對連鎖品牌的認同度不但提升來客量、增加營業績效,進而可協助美髮連鎖企業進行未來行銷策略規劃的參考。


Recently, the chain-store enterprises are rapidly developing and the information of current fashion is transferred rapidly as well. As the increases in living standard lead consumers to pay much attention to their profile, that is why the salon chain stores are established everywhere, almost like convenience stores. So the salon chain will face a most important issue, that is how to use integrated marketing strategy to promote customer flow and business performance, integrate the budgetary control strategy with all the marketing plans of the company, and hasten the company stand out in the competitors at the rapidly developing environment, Integrated marketing is a procedure of planning which combines many different activity and practical actions. It also adds three new elements, “person, equipment, procedure management”, into traditional marketing, “product, price, place, promotion”. Then, according to different consumer groups choose suitable communication tools to avoid the resources waste and maximize the communication effect. This research choice a chain-store hair salon enterprise, SL beauty salon chain, executed integrated marketing as case study to illustrate the integrated marketing took place before and after, and the increase of customer flow and the effect of sales value. This case study is developed as a project, integrated company’s inner resources, cooperated with suppliers at appropriate seasonal products. After the launch of integrated marketing project, the company evaluates the project based on the business performance. This research methodology takes the advantage of case study method, in-depth interview method and data analysis to understand whether the integrated marketing can increase customer flow and promote business performance. This research result shows that integrated marketing can raise consumer recognition, increase customer flow, and promote business performance. Furthermore, it can also apply this result to chain-store hair salon enterprises to assist their future marketing plan.


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