  • 學位論文


Development of cane aiding devices for Parkinson’s disease patient with adjustable distance and fall detection functions

指導教授 : 蕭俊祥


本研究設計一套針對帕金森氏病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)患者之系統與具有提醒功能之輔助裝置,該疾病典型會有不穩容易跌倒等問題,容易影響日常生活功能。當老年PD患者發生跌倒意外事件時,如何迅速有效的提醒周邊的人是相當重要的。而在老年PD患者行動不便而需要輔助時,市面上已提供很多類型的行動輔具可供選擇,就依便利性以及攜帶性而言,多數的老年人會選擇手杖來協助行動的工具。本研究利用具有加速度計偵測的系統附加在手杖上來做實施跌倒偵測,並進一步可自動發出警告聲。在市面上已有針對手杖結合視覺提醒的產品設計,但其主要針對直行所需,而本研究的目的是在設計一可拆式輔助裝置並且可直接安裝在現有的手杖或是其它助行器上,利用視覺的提醒並且針對轉彎和直行的部分以及可調步距作一裝置的開發,裝置能夠有效的給予提醒,並且在行走時能給予老年PD患者幫助。


帕金森氏症 步距調整 轉彎 跌倒 手杖


The purpose of this study is to design a system and cueing function aiding devices equipment especially for the Parkinson’s disease patients. Symptoms of this disease are shaking and difficulty with walking which affects the sufferers’ daily living functions. When a senior PD patient falls down, it is very important to warn of his relatives quickly and efficiently. However, there are various types of mobility aids on the market that can be chosen for the senior PD patients to improve the mobility with their mobility impairment. For the convenience and portability, most elders will select cane as their moving aids.This study adds an accelerometer to the cane to implement falling detections, and further send out alarms automatically.The market has already canes with visual cueing designs, but mostly for straight walking purpose.The purpose of this study is to design a detachable walking aid which can be equipped on existing cane or any other walking aids, with visual cues especially when turning and walking straight with distance adjustability to help the senior PD patients.


Parkinson’s disease Step adjustment Turns Falling Cane


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