  • 學位論文


Evaluating the utilization of the diversified spaces in Taipei Xinyi-Special District

指導教授 : 喬凌浩


信義計畫區在台灣扮演著都市更新、打造國際化城市的模範。跟近年國際間一些受全球矚目的空間規劃相比—如以東京中城之案例作分析比對,多樣性的空間規劃、廣大的綠地、接待與服務上的用心、休憩與藝文展演空間的重視等因素,有著明顯的差異。 本研究以文獻探討方式研究國內外知名之空間規劃案例,並藉用東京中城的規劃的主軸概念:「多樣性」、「接待與服務」、「綠地」作為研究的基礎。透過街頭問卷及網路問卷方式,對民眾做信義計畫區多元性空間規劃的使用滿意度調查;探討綠地空間、商圈購物環境以及住宅區等空間之內容,是否符合人們所期待,進一步瞭解信義計畫區多元化之空間規劃概念是否充分反映在地的需求,又是否呼應國際間最先進的規劃概念。 調查結果發現:雖然政經背景等條件不同,在多樣性的空間規劃與綠地規劃等概念上,信義計畫區與近年國際間空間規劃的案例在概念上有許多雷同之處;雖然民眾對信義計畫區多樣性之環境呈現滿意的情況,但在永續環保、環境生態等作為上仍然不足。綠地環境的滿意度表現平平,在綠地的積極使用效益上,應進一步反映使用者需求,如增加綠地內遊樂設施或吸引人的相關設施。


Taipei Xinyi Special District shows fine model as urban regeneration and city internationalize in Taiwan.However, comparing with the famous project in Japan lately—Tokyo Midtown that much attention was paid to focus on: the diverse space planning, immense natural setting, the spirit of service and hospitality, artworks and design, shows and exhibition, etc, the differences are significance. Therefore, The author investigates the satisfaction investigation of the various spaces’ quality in Xinyi Special District through the people. Secondly, compare with international well-known spatial plan projects, focus on the concepts of the diversified spaces in Xinyi Special District. To discuss the living spaces of green space, shopping area as well as residential spaces, if they are good enough to conform with the people expect. This survey discovered: people are satisfied with the whole environment in Xinyi Special District, especially the “hospitality” facilities and spaces. The “diversified spaces” is the next, and the satisfaction in green spaces is the most ordinary, and the utilization of the green spaces should reflect that people who really need.


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