  • 學位論文


An xploration of Vacuum Coating Industry Business Model - A Case of L Company

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 博士 吳斯偉 博士


高科技產業核心-真空鍍膜產業,在科技產業發展上扮演重要角色。此一產業有其獨特性,例如寡占市場型態,少量多樣的產品需求,科技含量要求不斷提高,市場競爭對手實力懸殊與激烈的市場變化,目前與過去在經營真空鍍膜產業所面臨的困境及挑戰有所不同,顧客要求越來越高,業者已進入微利世代,降低成本結構,提高獲利,探討該產業的商業模式有重要性與必要。 L公司為個案研究,以Osterwalder(2010)九項商業模式架構,將商業模式九要素來探討個案公司現有商業模式,透過專家訪談,資料分析整理後,經比較分析建構個案公司創新商業模式。從目標客層、價值主張、顧客關係與行銷通路策略,可以得出營收來源,然後再確認關鍵資源、關鍵活動與關鍵夥伴,尌可以算出成本結構,營收扣掉成本尌是獲利模式。研究發現創造價值要比追求附加價值要來的重要,而創造價值的關鍵尌在於更深層的客戶關係以及商業模式的創新。期望本研究所得之真空鍍膜產業創新商業模式的心得與建議,有助於此產業或相關業者的參考。


The core high-tech industry, vacuum plating industry, plays an important role in the development of technology industry. This industry has unique features, such as oligopoly market pattern, demand for small quantity of diversified products, continuous increase of technical content, a great disparity in strength between market competitors, and drastic market changes. The current difficulties and challenges confronted by the vacuum plating industry confronts are different from the past, such as increasingly high demands of customers, meager profit, reduction of cost structure, increase of profit. Thus, discussion of industry business mode is important and necessary. In the case study of L firm, based on the 9 business models proposed by Osterwalder (2010), we used the nine elements of the business models to discuss the current business model of the case firm. After the expert review and data analysis and consolidation, the new business model of the case firm was established through comparative analysis. The income sources can be obtained according to target customers, value proposition, customer relationship and marketing channel strategies. Next, the cost structure can be calculated after confirmation of key resources, critical activities and key partners. The operating income minus cost is profit model. This study found that value creation is more important than pursuit of added value. The key to iii creating of the value is deeper customer relationship and business model innovation. It is hoped that experience and suggestions for innovated business model of the vacuum plating industry can provide reference for the industry or relevant enterprises.


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