  • 學位論文


A Study on the Problems and Strategies of the Curriculum Implementation of the Vocational High School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在瞭解技職體系職校課程實施時,學校應有的規劃與準備,同時探究學校可能遭遇問題及其策略。藉由專家訪談的方式,針對五所公立職業學校各層級教育人員與技職學者進行深入訪談,本研究獲致之主要結論如下: 1.技職體系職校課程實施時,學校應有的規劃與準備,分別有:成立課程發展組織、擬訂學校課程的準備程序及擬出課程架構等三方面 2.在群科調整方面,可能遭遇的是有因群科調整的課程開設問題;其次,教師的態度和專長問題,則是較難突破的一環;最後,工業類學校的設備需求和商業類學校不同,亦可能使群科調整遭遇困難。其可行策略,若是課程的師資上,以科內老師的在職進修或由他科教師來任教;若是設備方面,則可以校內設備整合來因應。 3.在學校本位課程方面,是一般科目及專業科目的規劃、設計、時數之問題;其次,工業類學校一般科目的授課內容,在科別間有明顯的不同需求。其可行策略,成立課程發展組織來規劃交流,並決定一般科目的時數,若專業科目時數和內涵不足時,則由校訂科目的開設來加強。 4.在法規方面,學校要修改的是成績考查補充規定及科工廠學生使用規則,要增加的是課程發展委員會組織章程。另外,建議修改教師授課鐘點數的規定。 5.在行政組織方面,對事務內容與職務名稱不相符問題,在員額不變下,用行政命令、任務編組的方式來因應。其次,群的行政組織或技士技佐問題,則在虛群實科下採行不同的策略。 6.在師資規劃方面,是教師的能力及其引發教師的進修、聘用及師資培育機構隨之調整的問題。可從進修方式及安排上的雙管齊下來調整教師的能力,及藉由師資聘用條件改變及師資培育機構調整的途徑。 7.在教材及設備空間方面,則是校訂科目教材的不足及一般教室空間不夠的問題。在教材上以培養自編教材能力、鼓勵自編教材、由學習老師輔導自編教材、借用實用技能學程的自編經驗;在空間上則以舊有空間的整合為主。 最後,本研究根據研究結論,分別對學校教育工作者、教育主管機關、科技校院及未來研究提出若干建議。


This study abstracted the problems and strategies concerning the implementation of the renewed vocational curricula, and how schools should prepare for it. Based on the interviews with scholars and members of 5 public vocational high schools' staff, conclusion has been drawn as follows: 1.The preparation for the curriculum implementation includes three steps: to set up a curriculum-developing committee, to create a schedule, and to produce a chart of curriculum. 2.There are three major problems in rearranging departments, which are the production of the curriculum, the attitude and specialty of the teachers, and the required equipments (especially in the Industrial vocational high schools). To solve the problems, teachers should pursue another specialty or there should be cross-department cooperation both in man power and in equipments 3.In the aspect of school-based curriculum, problems occur in the designing of general and professional subjects. Schools need to establish a curriculum-developing committee to create a balance between the two. That is to enhance the professional subjects without neglecting the general ones. 4.Regulation, such as the grading regulation, needs to be revised. New regulation about the curriculum-developing committee needs to be devised. 5.Administrative organization will confront the discrepancy between the title and its job content, which needs to be rectified by administrative order or rearranging. Difficulty concerning the "group" concept and mechanics might be solved by "group in name, department in reality." 6.The old teaching staff may not satisfy the need of the new curriculum. Teachers should be encouraged to obtain the desired qualification, and something needs to be changed about the employment conditions or the teacher-nurturing institutes. 7.The last but not least is the shortage of teaching material and classroom. It is necessary to encourage the staff to produce their own materials based on practical experience, and to reorganize the classrooms in school. This research will also make suggestions to school teachers, education bureaus, technical colleges and future follow-up researches respectively.




