  • 學位論文


Extracting Structures of Web Applications for Testing Web Applications

指導教授 : 劉建宏


近幾年來,網際網路軟體(Web application)的數量顯著地增加,並且被廣泛地應用到不同領域,如線上購物和電子銀行等。隨著網際網路軟體的日趨複雜,它們的品質和可靠性也逐漸受到人們的注意。然而,網際網路軟體是由各種文件、網頁和不同程式語言所撰寫的元件(component)所組成,再加上網際網路軟體具有超連結(hyperlink)和產生動態網頁(dynamic page)的特性,使得網際網路軟體缺乏結構化、極難瞭解和測試。 在這篇論文中,我們提出一個測試模型(test model)來描述網際網路軟體架構,以支援網際網路軟體的測試。在這個測試模型中,網際網路軟體被視成一個眾多物件的組合,包含客戶端網頁(client page)、伺服器端網頁(server page)和不同的元件。這些物件間的關係被詳細地定義和描述在測試模型中。此外,我們藉由分析JSP構成的伺服器端網頁,將其可能動態產生的客戶端網頁分類並擷取出來,描繪在測試模型中。根據所提出的測試模型,我們開發一套擷取網際網路軟體架構的工具,利用逆向工程(reverse engineering)的技術,半自動化地擷取網際網路軟體的架構。所擷取的架構,不但可以幫助測試者瞭解網際網路軟體,亦可用於協助產生測試路徑(test path),以驗證網際網路軟體是否能正確地產生預期的動態網頁。


The number of Web applications has extraordinary increased recently. In particular, Web applications have been widely used in different areas of our society, such as online shopping and online banking. As Web applications become complex and mission-critical, their quality and reliability become important. However, Web applications consist of various documents and components written in multiple languages. Through hyperlinks, these documents and components can relate to each other in a complex fashion, which makes Web applications lacking of structures, and hence makes them difficult to understand and test. In this thesis, we propose a test model to abstract the structural test artifacts of Web applications. The test model represents the unstructured entities of Web applications, such as client pages, server pages, and components, in terms of objects and dependence relationships. Moreover, a method is presented to classify the dynamic pages generated from a server page. These classified dynamic-pages are extracted and represented in the test model in order to capture the dynamic structures of Web applications. Based on the test model, a reverse engineering tool is developed to allow extracting the structures of Web applications semi-automatically. The extracted structures not only can help testers to understand the Web applications, but also can be used to generate test paths to ensure that if the dynamic pages of a Web application can be correctly generated.


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