  • 學位論文


Design and Synthesis of TiO2 Nanocrystals with Tunable Structure for Photovoltaic Application

指導教授 : 蘇昭瑾


本研究利用化學法製備二氧化鈦奈米粒子,並探討不同條件下所合成的二氧化鈦的結晶相及其結構,及其在應用於光催化活性的探討及染料敏化太陽能電池的陽極材料的探討。在實驗過程中,我們將利用掃描式電子顯微鏡、穿透式電子顯微鏡、X-ray繞射儀、比表面積測量儀,探討合成出的二氧化鈦奈米粒子的相貌、結構、結晶相。合成出之二氧化鈦奈米粒,再混合適當比例之乙基纖維素、松油醇製備成二氧化鈦漿料再以刮刀法塗佈製作染料敏化太陽能電池之光陽極,二氧化鈦光陽極經煅燒後與濺鍍法製備之已鑽孔鉑對電極經電解液注入後再經由杜邦熱塑膜surlyn封裝後組裝成電池,之後我們將進行其電池之電流電壓、交流阻抗、光子轉換電子量測。 本研究分成五個部分做為討論,第一部分銳鈦礦相二氧化鈦的合成及其染料敏化太陽能電池效率的探討,我們利用四丁基氧化鈦為前趨物,醋酸當催化劑,利用水熱法在200oC成功製備出銳鈦礦相二氧化鈦奈米粒,此奈米米粒狀粒徑大約15~20奈米,我們並將其應用於染料敏化太陽能電池中,而在其陽極膜厚為24微米時得到最佳之效率為6.61% [1]。 第二部份為合成金紅石相二氧化鈦奈米粒的合成及其在光催化及染料敏化太陽能電池的應用,四丁基氧化鈦為前驅物,鹽酸當催化劑,利用水熱法在220oC下製備出具備一維結構之棒狀金紅石相二氧化鈦。我們將探討合成出的金紅石相二氧化鈦奈米粒,利用不同之水熱時間得到的奈米粒測試對亞甲基藍降解之光催化反應,並將水熱時間為10小時之樣品應用於染料敏化太陽能電池中,得到3.16%的光電轉換效率 [2]。 第三部份為方塊狀二氧化鈦的合成,我們利用商業化之ST-01二氧化鈦奈米粒,用雙氧水活化二氧化鈦表面再加入氫氟酸腐蝕其原ST-01之結構,在水熱法180oC下重新長成方塊狀二氧化鈦奈米粒,我們將此具備類一維結構之二氧化鈦奈米粒應用於染料敏化太陽能電池,其電池具備較佳的電子傳導速率導至具高光電壓的特性,我們將其與自製米粒狀銳鈦礦相二氧化鈦製備成光陽極,得到8.89%之光電轉換效率。 第四部分為繡球花狀二氧化鈦奈米粒的製備與性質分析並應用於染料敏化太陽能電池,我們利用乙醇、鹽酸及去離子水再加入四丁基氧化鈦,利用不同濃度在80oC水熱條件下製備出不同顆粒大小的繡球花狀奈米粒,此繡球花狀二氧化鈦為金紅石相,雖為大顆粒但在穿透式電子顯微鏡下,此結構是有許多棒狀之結構堆疊而成,表面非常粗糙,其比表面積125.4 m2/g,由於具備大顆粒可當做散射層且具備高比表面積能吸附較多之染料,我們將其多功能之繡球花二氧化鈦奈米粒應用於染料敏化太陽能電池中作為光散射層,可得到9.122%的光電轉化效率。 在最後一個章節,我們著重在新結構的Ru錯合物染料的效率測試,就電流密度、電池電壓與光電轉換效率而論,來自於Benzimidazolium salts 的N-Heterocyclic carbene-pyridine-based ruthenium新型染料提供染料敏化太陽能電池表現出高成效。在AM 1.5 輻射(100 mWcm-2)下,提供了Jsc、Voc與η 數值分別為20.0 mAcm-2、730 mV 與9.69 %;這表現超越過去公認所使用的N719 染料(Jsc = 18.6 mAcm-2; Voc = 700 mV; η = 8.98 %) [3-4]。


The potential application of TiO2 nanoparticles in most of the fields such as photocatalysis, sensors, solar cells, and memory devices are of great interest due to their unique properties. With the increasing demand in alternative energy sources, solar energy has been considered as one of the most promising renewable energy source. Amongst solar cells, dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) plays a prominent role owing to its low cost and comparable efficiency. TiO2 electrode is one of the major concerns in DSSCs since the TiO2 phase, surface composition, and morphology of TiO2 films affect the dye adsorption, electron transport, and electrolyte diffusion in the cell as well as the DSSCs performance. Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles with different morphology and crystal phase by hydrothermal-based chemical method is the first focus of this work. Pure phase anatase TiO2 nanoparticles with size of ~ 20 nm [1], rutile TiO2 nanobars with size of 30-50 nm [2], rutile TiO2 nanoflowers with size of 200-400 nm, and anatase TiO2 nanocubes with size of ~ 50 nm were successfully prepared and demonstrated the effective properties in both photocatalytic reaction and DSSC applications. The second focus of this thesis is to develop a new dye structure for DSSC application through the cooperation with Professor Wen-Ren Li in Chemistry Department at National Central University. The N-heterocyclic carbene-pyridine-based ruthenium sensitizers have been demonstrated to have superior photoelectric conversion efficiency compared to traditional N719 dye [3-4].


15. C.-C. Cheng, National Taipei University of Technology (2009).
65. J.-L. Chen, Master Thesis, National Taipei University of Technology (2006).
1. H.-S. Chen, C. Su, C.-K. Lin, Y.-F. Hsieh, C.-K. Yang, W.-R. Li, “Hydrothermal Preparation of Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 42 (2009) s36.
2. H.-S. Chen, C. Su, J.-L. Chen, T.-Y. Yang, N.-M. Hsu, W.-R. Li, “Preparation and Characterization of Pure Rutile TiO2 Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Study and Thin Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Nanomaterials 2011 (2011) 869618.
3. H.-S. Chen, W.-C. Chang, C. Su, T.-Y. Li, N.-M. Hsu, Y. S. Tingare, C. Y. Li, J.-H. Shie, W.-R. Li, “Carbene-Based Ruthenium Photosensitizers”, Dalton Trans. 40 (2011) 6765.


