  • 學位論文


The Developments of Air Quality Wireless Sensor Network for Carbon Monoxide and Indoor CO Prediction Model

指導教授 : 曾昭衡


本研究建立乙套氣體感測器標準作業程序(Standard Operating Procedure, SOP),分三部分,第一為實場佈建前置作業,進行氣體感測器濃度偏移測試之準確性;第二為佈建現場作業,規劃現場施工標準作業流程;第三為佈建後作業,包含氣體感測器查核及校正作業方法。本研究另開發乙套一氧化碳空氣品質無線感測系統(Air Quality Wireless Sensoring Network),測試氣體感測器呈現的準確性與再現性。本研究於實場量測室內外一氧化碳濃度,並利用量測結果建立乙套室內一氧化碳預測模型(Indoor Air Quality Model, IAQM),以預測室內一氧化碳濃度並可模擬室內CO受室外CO的影響。最終以大氣擴散模式AERMOD模擬室外一氧化碳濃度分佈,分析移動移動污染源實施減量措施前後於研究區域一氧化碳濃度分佈的變化,配合IAQM,再經空氣資源整合健康效應模型(Air Resources Co-Benefits Model)推算人員健康影響(壽命與年醫療支出之增減)。   篩選之電化學式一氧化碳感測器多點濃度測試結果顯示,當 "CO ≥" 3 ppm時,該感測器量測與直讀儀器誤差達10%以內。本研究規劃之室內一氧化碳預測模型有分時(Discrete)及連續(Continuous)兩類使用方法。研究結果顯示,使用分時求解法與連續求解法預測室內一氧化碳之平均絕對百分比誤差(MAPE)分別為14.75%與21.25%,其中分時求解法之預測準確度為優良,適用未來於實場室內一氧化碳濃度預測。而本研究模擬區域減量前後一氧化碳濃度之差異,分最大24小時平均濃度減幅為54.49%,其中年均濃度削減量達42.86%,由232.75μg/m3(0.27 ppm)降至133.00μg/m3(0.15 ppm),依此推算室外一氧化碳總暴露量減量為0.103 ppm,及該區域人員每人將節省年醫療支出9.476元/人.年,而增加個人終生平均壽命天數則為49.75日/人。


The Air Quality Wireless Sensoring Network (AQWSN) for monitoring carbon monoxide (CO) is developed in this study.In addition, a standard operating procedure (SOP) for establishing the WSN, which has three parts, is developed. The first part is the pre-operation of the CO sensors, i.e. accuracy test, before the installation for WSN at real sites. The second part is preparing the real sites. The third part is the work of post-installation, including the assessment and calibration for CO sensors. In this study, the indoor and outdoor CO concentration is monitored at the real sites and the measurements are used to develop an Indoor Air Quality Model (IAQM) to predict indoor CO concentration and to interpret the indoor/outdoor relationship. Finally, the air dispersion model AERMOD is used to simulate the change of ambient CO concentration by the reduction scenario for mobile sources. The Air Resources Co-Benefits Model, including avoided mortality and medical expenditures, of CO reduction are determined by using the results from epidemiological studies.   This study test the wireless CO sensor which the type is electronic chemical principle, and the results showed that the monitoring error between the sensors and direct reading instruments can more smaller than 10% when CO" ≥" 3 ppm. The indoor CO prediction model has two methods, which are the discrete and continuous, the results showed that the MAPE of discrete method was 14.75% and continuous method was 21.25%, it can be know the discrete method was the more accurate one. After the AERMOD simulate the reduction scenario of CO concentration, one of the maximum 24 hr average of CO concentration reduced to 54.49%, and the other one is year average reduced to 42.86%. The total exposure of CO reduction is 0.103 ppm, which can save 9.476 dollars/person-year and extend 49.75 day/person-lifetime.


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