  • 學位論文


A Study on The Influence of Hsueh-shan Tunnel Opened to Tang-Wei Area in Urban Space Structure Transition and Industry Evolution.

指導教授 : 宋立垚


七零年代中期,因應中央政府政策台灣北部區域著重工業型態之產業的發展,宜蘭雖位屬北部地區,但因山脈阻擋造成其交通不便,也因此在經濟發展上也較為緩慢。直到1981年藉由政策擬定也才確立了宜蘭地區以環保和觀光走向的市鎮規畫,而後九零年代上任之游錫堃縣長更進一步朝向以文化發展為目標。 礁溪,位於宜蘭縣東北隅,因溫泉的利用故稱「湯圍」;而在日治時期,日本人引進泡湯的概念,將溫泉與商業結合,以此作為當地的號召,漸漸打開其知名度,但隨著色情行業的興起,卻也成了當時男人的「溫柔鄉」;而在台灣光復後,隨著中央政府與地方政策的施行,逐漸轉型成為強調健康休閒的觀光市鎮。   在過去往返台北與礁溪交通並不發達,直到台灣北宜公路的開發以及雪山隧道於2006年6月16日全線啟用,才進一步的將礁溪地區推向觀光產業之發展。不斷湧入的觀光人潮,帶動了當地的商機,也吸引大型企業紛紛進駐,逐漸改變礁溪地區的結構與環境,質樸的小鎮也邁向觀光的重地。   本研究以礁溪湯圍溫泉溝地區為主要研究對象,從早期在雪山隧道開通前之文獻參照,了解本研究區內之原始產業及發展型態,探討其在雪山隧道開通前,對當地交通運輸與載具使用、產業型態與分布等之影響。並透過田野調查以及半結構訪談了解其發展脈絡,根據現況調查依照當地店家、居民、遊客、地方組織,從各層面詢問對於雪山隧道開通後的發展狀況與後續再造的看法與意見,了解雪山隧道開通對礁溪湯圍溫泉溝地區其空間結構和產業之影響。


In the mid-seventies, because the government policy focused on industrial development in northern Taiwan. Yilan located in the northern but blocked by mountains. The transportation is not convenient cause economic development was slower than other counties. The city planning of Yilan tend to environmental protection and sightseeing until 1981 year more over the magistrate Yu Shyi-kun further towards cultural development as the goal in nineties. Jiaoxi located in the northeast corner of Yilan, named Tang-Wei because of the hot springs. In Japan-ruled period, Japanese introduce the concept of hot spring bath, combine the hot spring and the commercial, gradually make Jiaoxi became famous. With the rise of pornographic prism, Jaioxi became the place where for man to drink. After the restoration of Taiwan, gradually Jaioxi reforming into a healthy and relaxing tourist town by government policy standard. The transportation between Jaioxi and Taipei is not prosperously developed in the past. Until Taipei-Yilan Expressway is build and Hsueh-shan Tunnel Opened at June 16th,2006. Push Jaioxi into a famous hot spring tourist town, more and more travelers help the economy growth of the stores and attract five star hotel open, so that the urban space structure and environment were changed. The study focus on Tang-wei where in Jaioxi, by historical documents to discuss the mode of transportation and original industrial structure before Hsueh-shan Tunnel is opened. Through field investigation and in-depth interview to understand the developing process of Tang-Wei. By the local shops, residents, travelers, government organizations to realize their opinions about the locality development and prospects when Hsueh-shan Tunnel build. Also to figure the out the effects about urban space structure transition and industry evolution of Tang-Wei area after Hsueh-shan Tunnel is build.


〔46〕黃馨慧、張倩文、高崇倫、 謝佩珊,北宜高速公路通車對礁溪鄉住宿業發展之研究,中國文化大學地學研究所博士、景文科技大學旅館管理學系四技、中國文化大學地政研究所博士,2008。
〔64〕財團法人宜蘭人文基金會,宜蘭地區社會變遷與永續發展第一次基本調查, 2006。
