  • 學位論文


The Commercial Services Facilities Usage of Urban Planning Category A and Category B in Industrial Areas Under Permission-A case study in Toyuan County

指導教授 : 宋立垚


國內產業型態近幾年來面臨轉型,而鄰近國家挾帶著低廉的勞工及便宜的土地,以致於廠商紛紛出走。而原先都市中留設許多工業區土地,在產業外移之後無法立即調整使用型態,造成土地閒置,甚至成為都市中的廢墟。政府為快速解決工業區土地閒置的問題,並加速經濟發展,遂修改了都市計畫法台灣省施行細則,容許都市計畫甲乙種工業區得作一般商業設施使用。然而就以容許使用變更方式,並無需檢討回饋機制,除有違公平正義原則外,所帶進來的人口將引發的公共設施使用不足之問題,更降低了生活環境的品質。 本研究以桃園縣為例,探討都市計畫甲乙種工業區於容許使用政策下,訂定相關配套管制措施,並分析都市計畫法台灣省施行細則修改以來,容許使用案件之建築物使用情形,透過本研究,得到以下幾點結論:(一)工廠外移造成都市計畫工業區土地閒置(二)都市計畫工業區變更方式由審議制度轉變為總量管制(三)容許使用無規範回饋設施,造成環境品質惡化(四)容許使用案各項稅率、水電費應與一般住宅有所差別(五)桃園縣以總量管制並限制單層樓地板面積及降低建蔽率為管制基準(六)容許使用執行情形,至96年12月31日在建照方面共核發60件、合計5,310戶。在建築物使用管理方面,則有造冊列管、定期與不定期稽查及查獲違規者,則依都市計畫法相關規定處分等措施。


The industry faces reforming in the last few years, but neighbor country to carry under the arm the inexpensive laborer and the cheap land, down to the merchant leaves. But in the original metropolis remains many industrial districts lands, creates the land to leave unused, even becomes in the metropolis the ruins. Government question which leaves unused for the fast solution industrial district land, and the acceleration economy development, then revised the law, allowed the urban planning category A and category B makes the general commercial facility use. However, with permitted usage didn’t needs to examine the back coupling mechanism, besides has violates the fair just principle, reduced the life quality. This research case study in Toyuan Conutry, come at several conclusions:(1) factory moves creates the industrial district leave unused (2) industrial district change way to transform by the consideration system for the total quantity controls (3) allowed uses the non-standard , create the environment quality to worsen (4) tax rate, the water and electricity charges should have the difference (5) the growth control quotas and the limit monolayer building floor area construct shading rate as the control datum (6) issuing of building permits 60, altogether 5,310 households until December 31 2005.


[19]Dorald G.Hagman & Deau J. Misczynski ed.,Windfalls for Wipeout-Land Valae Capture & compensation. American Planner As-sociation Press. 1978,pp143-146。


