  • 學位論文


Analysis of Five Days Per Week Household Solid Waste Collection Policy-A case study of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 張添晉


行政院環境保護署為持續推動「節能減碳」及「垃圾零廢棄」政策,規劃將全國各縣市共約4,800多輛垃圾車收運一般廢棄物天數減少一天,除可減低垃圾車輛使用頻率,增加車輛使用年限外,並可有效減少廢氣污染產生量及減少垃圾產生量,但考量各縣市一般廢棄物清運及資源回收等狀況不同,仍須由各縣市政府及鄉鎮市公所自行評估實施期程。 本研究以桃園縣為案例,藉由文獻蒐集及彙整相關資料進行綜合分析、比較與歸納,包括1.蒐集台北市及新北市兩個代表縣市案例經驗;2.調查及彙整國內19縣市(不含離島地區)一般廢棄物每週清運頻率及停收日等情形,進一步針對每週清運頻率已全面調整為週收五日之縣市,以行政院環境保護署資料庫篩選之100年垃圾清理概況各項統計數據進行分析及比較;3.蒐集彙整官方歷年民意調查結果,最後以SWOT綜合以上分析結果,評估桃園縣政策推動其內部條件所掌握的優劣勢、及外部環境之機會與威脅,及提出最佳之施行建議。 經研究結論,有關桃園縣推動一般廢棄物週收五日政策之SWOT綜合分析結果顯示,整體優勢及機會條件大於劣勢及威脅且普遍獲得民眾支持,因此政策是可行的,可以「星期三」作為垃圾停收日並搭配現行「星期日」停收垃圾方式實施。在推動垃圾隨袋徵收政策部分,以SWOT綜合分析結果顯示,整體劣勢及威脅條件大於優勢及機會,故應先予暫緩。


In order consecutively to implement “Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction” and “Zero Waste” policies, the EPA planned to let more than 4,800 garbage trucks, ranging from municipalities to townships, reduce one day to collect household solid waste. This policy may not only decrease the frequent use of garbage trucks but also lengthen the lives of those garbage vehicles. Meanwhile, it may effectively diminish the nationwide amount of exhaust emission and garbage. Nevertheless, regarding different conditions of household solid waste collection and resource recycling from county to county, the executive schedule of this policy must be evaluated by each local authority. This study first uses "Document Citation Analysis”, “Content Analysis” and “Case Study” to analyze, compare and induce the data, including: 1. The accomplishment of household solid waste collection policy in Taipei City and New Taipei City. 2. The frequency of per week household solid waste collection throughout the nation (exclude the islands), the days on which the authorities suspend the service of garbage clearance, and the environmental protection statistics of 2011 from the EPA database with the reference to the local administrations that have comprehensively adjusted the frequency of collecting household solid waste into five days a week. 3. The consequence of the civil survey over the past three years released from the government authorities. Then, adopt “SWOT Analysis” to investigate not only the internal strengths and weaknesses but also the external opportunities and threats of Taoyuan County to implement this scheme. At length, propose the best suggestions to put this scheme into execution. This study has conclusions as follows, after profoundly and thoroughly evaluating and analyzing the policy of five days per week household solid waste collection, this policy has more strengths and opportunities than weaknesses and threats, and is favored by the public. Consequently, this policy is feasible and proactive. Take one more day, Wednesday, and supplement the current policy, Sunday, to suspend the service of per week household solid waste collection. As for promoting the Pay-by-Bag Trash Collection Policy, according to SWOT analysis, there are more weaknesses and threats than strengths and opportunities so that it has to be temporarily suspended.


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