  • 學位論文


A Study on Brand Strategy, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity - An Empirical Investigation of Red Wine Market in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡同來


台灣於民國76年元月七陸續開放國內酒類產品的進口市場,因為國人消費能力的提升,及醫學研究指出葡萄酒具有降低罹換心血管疾病機率的功能,使得進口葡萄酒在國內市場的需求上升. 我國進口的美國葡萄酒,在亞洲各國排名第二;進口的阿根廷葡萄酒,更位居第一名;因此,台灣是新世界葡萄酒國在亞洲地區中,最重要的消費市場與戰略角色。過去,一提到葡萄酒,人們總是想到歐洲,想起法國、意大利,這也就是所謂的「舊世界」葡萄酒─不僅擁有歷史悠久釀酒經驗、樹立優質風格典範,更堪稱為現代文明的一種標誌、享譽世界。但近年來,全球葡萄酒市場已產生重大改變﹗產自美國、阿根廷、澳洲、智利的「新世界」葡萄酒,拋棄傳統包袱與嚴格產區限制,並充分運用現代化科技與靈活的創造力行銷,不僅成功揮軍國際市場,更挑戰法國、意大利的葡萄酒龍頭霸主地位。國內葡萄酒進口商,在傳統葡萄酒生產商仍然以傳統方式、發展葡萄酒貿易之際,新世界葡萄酒生產商已經悄悄採用革命性的全新市場戰略,打入國際市場中。 本研究經由文獻探討,整合過去學者著作及相關研究,發展以理論架構,以台灣紅酒市場產業之消費者為研究對象,透過問卷調查,並以結構方程式模型探討該產業中品牌知覺,品牌信任,品牌忠誠度與品牌權益之關連性。


On January 7, 1987, Taiwan first opened its doors to wine and other alcohol imports. It was prompted by rising consumer demand and the medical research. Research suggests that small amounts of alcohol can have a protective effect on your heart. Then the import demand increased in the domestic market. Taiwan imports wine from US that ranks as second largest and imports wine from Argentina that ranks as first largest in Asia. Because Taiwan is a new emerging market in Asia, the market and the competition are very important. In the past, people always thought about France, Italy which are the traditional established markets. These markets not only have a long history of wine making, produce a high-quality wine, but also perform a sign of modern civilization. But in recent years, the global wine market has been a significant change. The new emerging market, such as US, Argentina, Australia, and Chile, didn’t use the traditional methods with strict limitations. By using the modern technology and the flexible and creative marketing strategy, it not only leads them to succeed in the global market, but also are serious challenges to France and Italy hegemony. The traditional wine producers still use the traditional methods to export wine. The new wine producers take the advantage of the revolutionary marketing strategy to penetrate into the global market. By consulting the scholarly works, the related researches, using the questionnaires, and structural modeling, this research developed a methodology based on the consumer demand of the wine market in Taiwan to establish the requirements of this thesis: A Study on Brand Strategy, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity -An Empirical Investigation of Red Wine Market in Taiwan.


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