  • 學位論文


Rheological Study of Hyaluronic Acid and Bovine Serum Albumin about Viscoelastic Properties and Wear Test

指導教授 : 芮祥鵬


關節滑液主要組成分別為透明質酸、白蛋白、球蛋白及磷脂質,在滑液中的組成分別為3mg/ml、12mg/ml、4mg/ml和3mg/ml,故本實驗將模擬關節液中的成分,探討其流變性質的變化。研究指出,造成關節功能衰退(關節炎等)的主要原因之一,與關節滑液的黏彈性質具有相當大的關連,然而關節滑液中扮演吸收震動功能的是透明質酸,它是由葡萄糖醛酸-N-乙醯氨基葡萄糖為雙糖單位組成的直鏈高分子,在溶液中形成隨機線圈狀賦予基本的黏彈特性。 本實驗第一部分即利用微管振盪流變儀探討透明質酸的黏彈性質,發現在低剪切速率時有零切變黏度(Zero-shear viscocity),隨著剪切速率增加,其黏度即呈現隨之降低,此現象稱為剪稀效應(Shear thinning),再者,溫度上升、強酸強鹼狀態及鹽類的加入都會造成黏度下降,鬆弛時間減少,但質酸濃度上升則黏度上升,鬆弛時間增加,並且是一種具有很好滯後性(Hysteresis)的流體;接下來在質酸中加入白蛋白,探討蛋白的加入對質酸黏彈性質的影響,鬆弛時間的改變;最後,進行磨耗方面的實驗,探討不同條件下對質酸溶液造成的變化,再利用圓二色光譜儀驗證結構的改變。流體的動態黏彈性質方面,使用Maxwell model去進行模擬,發現其結果是吻合的。


Synovial fluid is made up of hyaluronic acid , albumin , globulin and phospholipids mainly . The compositions of synovial fluid are 3mg/ml , 12mg/ml , 8mg/ml and 3mg/ml respectively . The experiment imitates the composition to explore variations of rheology . Some studies were reported , one of main reason about joint deterioration ( arthritis , etc.) is connected with the viscoelasticity of synovial fluid . However , hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid acts as a absorber . It is a straight-line polymer which made up for the disaccharide unit by glucuronic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine . In solution , the conformation of random coil causes the base of viscoelasticity . First , we use V-E capillary to perform the study about viscoelasticity of hyaluronic acid . There is a zero-shear viscosity at low shear rate . At high shear rate , the viscosity is decreased to accompany shear rate . We generally call “ shear-thinning ” behavior . When temperature rising , pH value is tented to acidity or alkalinity and addition with salt (NaCl) , both of viscosity and relaxation time are decreased . But , the viscosity and relaxation time are increased if hyaluronic acid is more concertrated . Furthermore , it is a very good fluid about hysteresis . Secondary , we add the albumin in hyaluronic acid solution to explore the effect of viscoelasticity and variation of relaxation time . Finally , performing the test about wear to find out the effect on viscoelasticity of solution . Then , we use circular dichroism spectroscopy to evidence change of conformation . About viscoelasticity , we found a model ” Maxwell model ” undergoing fitting and results were vary match .


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