  • 學位論文


An Improved AODV Routing Algorithm of Zigbee Network

指導教授 : 方志鵬 張陽郎


ZigBee為一種短距離低速無線個人區域網路,具有低成本、低傳輸速率、低功率消耗、低複雜度的特點;而且還具有可靠性高、組網簡單的優點。ZigBee應用範圍包括無線感測網路(WSN , Wireless Sensor Network)、家庭自動化、智能交通、工廠應用與醫院應用等。目前關於ZigBee的相關研究中,降低耗能與降低成本為主要的課題,本文藉由修改路由的方式來達到降低耗能的功效。目前ZigBee大部分都使用AODV(ad-hoc on-demand distance vector)路由與樹狀路由的路由方式,AODV路由方式可以達到最有效率的傳輸,但是在尋找路由時,會花費大量的封包與時間,所以本文先分析樹狀路由與AODV路由的特性,再使用樹狀拓璞,並將樹狀路由與AODV路由作結合,來達到降低封包量的功效。


ZigBee is a low-speed short-range wireless personal area network, with low-cost, low transfer rate, low power consumption, low complexity characteristics, but also have high reliability, the advantages of simple network. Applications of zigbee including wireless sensor network (WSN), home automation, intelligent transportation, factory applications and hospital applications. ZigBee is currently on the relevance of research to reduce energy consumption and reduce costs as the main topic, this article by modifying the way routing to reduce the effectiveness of energy. Most of the current ZigBee most of the use of AODV (ad-hoc on-demand distance vector) routing and tree routing routing, AODV routing can achieve the most efficient transmission, but in the search for routing, we will spend a large number of packets and time, so analysis of this article tree routing and AODV routing features, and then expand the use of tree-topology, tree routing and AODV routing for the combination to achieve the efficacy of reducing the volume of packets.


ZigBee AODV Wireless Sensor Network


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