  • 學位論文


Measuring the Maximum Heat Transfer Rate of Heat Pipe by Spray Cooling

指導教授 : 王金樹


吾人以曲線近似的方式得到閥門流量係數曲線及當空氣壓力為6kg/cm2、孔口係數為0.5時、閥門角度由0°~60°的水路管線質量流率曲線;接著利用水路管線質量流率公式,搭配負壓量測實驗,得到修正函數 ,則可求得當噴頭孔口係數介於0~1間的水路管線質量流率。 在以噴霧冷卻量測熱管最大熱傳量實驗中,吾人發現當孔口係數為0.5與1時對同一隻熱管作測試,其最後判定燒乾時之電源供應器功率值同為58W,且由EES(Engineer Equation Solver)人機介面求得系統之相對熱損失率分別為33.4%與28.1%,而當hr=1時的系統相對熱損失率較小於當hr=0.5時。 最後在EES模擬參數Case1中,當孔口係數越大其散熱能力越強,但孔口係數為0.5與1時差異不大,在閥門開啟角度為60°時其散熱能力約為45W;模擬參數Case2中,當孔口係數為1時、電源供應器功率為50W時,若欲將相對熱損失率控制在35%左右,其閥門角度必須在30°附近且實驗值與模擬值吻合;未來可朝向噴頭研究,以達到縮短測試時間的目的。


First,we can obtain the curve of the coefficient of valve,and another curve of water pipe mass flow rate under air pressure equals 6 kg/cm2 and hole ratio equals 0.5 by curve fit method. Then we get a fixed function via the water pipe mass flow rate formular and the vacuum pressure experiment. Therefore,we can calculate the water pipe mass flow rate when the hole ratio between 0~1. In measuring the maximum heat transfer rate of heat pipe by spray cooling, I tested the same heat pipe when hole ratio equal 0.5 and 1 and I found the power supply both offer 58W when they dry out and their heat loss rate are 33.4% and 28.1% individually by EES(Engineer Equation Solver), and the heat loss rate when hole ratio equal 1 is lower than hole ratio equal 0.5. At last, In EES simulation case1, I found the bigger hole ratio is, the more heat it takes, however when the hole ratio are 0.5 and 1 their ability of heat taking are almost the same, They both take 45W when valve angle is 60°. In EES simulation case2, I found If we want to control heat loss rate under about 35%, when hole rate equals 1 and power supply offer 50W, we must keep valve angle about 30°, so that the simlution value will close to the experiment value. In the future, we can develop spray nozzle, to shorten the testing time.


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