  • 學位論文


Web-based Slope Stability Analysis with Fiber Bundle Model

指導教授 : 陳偉堯


近年來植被護坡技術日漸興起,良好的植被可保護破碎裸露的山坡地,防止土石被豪雨沖刷、侵蝕,降低地滑的可能性,而這些植被保護措施,即是所謂的植生方法;過去有許多方法分析植物根系對於邊坡加固的效應,其中以Wu et al. (1979)所使用之力學模型為最常用,但其模型假設植物的根系在土體造成滑動的時候一起破壞,其假設並不符合一般真實狀況。另一種方法由Pollen and Simon (2004)所提出評估植物對於邊坡的貢獻,其方法運用Fiber Bundle Model (FBM)的原理,是藉由材料逐步破壞情形模擬根系的破壞狀況。本研究也於林忠志(2009)開發的邊坡穩定程式中加入了FBM的功能,使程式在分析植生邊坡穩定時可以有兩種的選擇,初步的比較發現,FBM所計算的安全因數比Wu的安全因數低。 此外,本研究將過去單機執行的邊坡穩定程式改寫為網路版,不需要安裝,透過瀏覽器連接到指定的伺服器即可使用,大大提高分析的便利性,以解決單機版種種的限制,網路版並結合植生資料庫搜尋系統,以提供工程參考使用。


In recent years, planting vegetation is gradually becoming a widely used technique for slope protection. A vascular plant cover can protect slopes from rainfall erosion and decrease the possibility of landslides.The mechanical method by Wu et al. (1979) is the most frequently used analysis method for the impact of plant roots on the stability of slopes. However, it assumed that plant roots would be destroyed at the same time by landslides which does not reflect the actual situation. Another method was by Pollen and Simon (2004) which used the Fiber Bundle Model theory to model the damage of plant roots based on the damage of materials. In this study, the Slope Stability Analysis Program by Lin (2009) was improved with the FBM function which allows it to analyze the vegetated slope stability with two calculations methods to choose from. The comparison result shows that the factors of safety generated by FBM are lower than those by Wu. Besides, the original PC-based Slope Stability Analysis Program has been rewritten to produce an web-based program with the capability of connecting servers from browsers to initiate the program without installation. It not only enhances the analysis efficiency but also creates links between the analysis program and the searching system of plant root database for further studies in the civil engineering field.


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