  • 學位論文


A Study of the Development of Web-based Information Management System for Project Reports

指導教授 : 林祐正


現今資訊科技發展快速,網路化的運用儼然是主流的趨勢,然而在企業組織的管理運用上亦是朝著這樣的潮流演進,同時也發展出各種不同屬性的網路化管理平台,以符合各企業組織自身的管理需求。在以研究為主的組織單位中,若要能持續成長延續研究成果,勢必要將研究成果或重要的資訊提供專案成員或內部其他人員易於取閱與交流,才可避免如資訊孤島的情況。因此,彼此間的溝通與交流須是即時與暢通的,亦為本研究著重的項目之ㄧ。成功的研究成果來自於嚴謹有效率的管理過程,透過符合組織文化與專案特性的高效管理,配合資訊傳達與溝通的便利,降低無法有效掌控專案狀況的問題,提高執行過程的效率,因此本研究之成果乃以探討分析在學術研究性質之組織單位,於進行計畫管理的各階段過程中,診斷分析其管理程序上之問題及需求,藉由IT(Information Technology)技術的應用,以ASP.NET為開發工具並搭配以Access之資料庫建立以網路為基礎的計畫管理資訊平台,藉此達到確切的管控計畫狀況並能即時有效的溝通交流環境。最後由實際案例的導入,驗證本研究建置之資訊平台對於提供專案成員於資訊取得的便利與資訊交流的活絡之成效及成果。期藉本研究能有效的提升組織內部管理的效能,並以本系統平台的建立,提供其他相關組織單位作為計畫管理應用之參考。


Project control attempts to effectively obtain real-time information and enhance control and management by information sharing from project participants to reduce conflicts and delay. Integrating web-based technologies such as portals can improve the effectiveness and convenience of information flow in project management system. This study develop a system called the Web-based Project Management System for the research project management, demonstrating that it responds efficiently and enhances the information flow among project participants in a project environment. Those systems are developed based on the actual requirements. The proposed system is then applied to a selected two case studies in Taiwan to verify the proposed methodology. Besides, this study focused on immediately communicate and information exchange. This study analyzes each stage of process, and then assist us find all requirements for the project. This system is built with ASP.NET and the MS Access is used as the database of this system. And the communications in this research group will be improved using this system. To expect this research results could provide concern party in great use. Finally, the test results show that a proposed system is effective in managing multi-projects for research project management.


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