  • 學位論文

電子元件發展研究–以Dram and NandFlash 為例

Electronic Component Development Research- Ex. DRAM and NandFlash industry

指導教授 : 張文華


本研究以 Dram and Nand Flash 作為研究對象,並以世界上屬一屬二的記憶體生產廠家做個案研究,目的在於瞭解 Dram 與 Nand Flash 兩大記憶體是否符合摩爾定律,進而與 3C 產品做應用比較,再瞭解晶圓的製程演進與消費者對於 3C 產品應用的需求面是否帶動晶圓製程的演進,以上三者:晶圓製程、記憶體設計公司以及3C 產品消費者都是息息相關。Memory 產品的應用與期能藉此研究之結果發現製程演進的週期,進而提供通路商的備貨機制、庫存管理以及終端研發人員瞭解記憶體的演進週期,以免造成後續無 IC 可採買,而變成無法生產。 因此本研究以個案研討的方式來蒐集 S 公司的 Dram and Nand Flash 的演進變化來做整理,也於個案公司的背景中整理出為何 S 公司可以成為 Dram and Nand Flash 世界第一的寶座,S 公司的里程碑以及公司的經營策略與方針獨到之處,將 S 公司的Dram and Nand Flash 過去、現在以及未來的發展做整理,讓本研究可以讓相關產業得知 S 公司在製程上的進度進而可以在產品應用上有事先的系統整理,進而在產品上的應用及庫存管理上無後顧之憂。 本研究最主要的是驗證了 S 公司 Dram 依舊是循摩爾定律十八個月增加一倍的容量,而 Nand Flash 依統計的資料顯示已經演變成一年增加一倍的容量。


This thesis presents research on Dram and Nand Flash technologies, based on a case study of one of the world’s leading memory device manufacturers. The objectives of the research were threefold. First, to investigate whether the advancements of Dram and Nand Flash have followed Moore’s law. Second, to compare and contrast the advantages of these memory technologies for digital electronic product applications. Third, to analyze the evolution of wafer fabrication processes, and examine whether they have been driven by consumer demand of applications for digital electronics. The subjects of this research, namely, the wafer fabrication processes, the memory design houses, and the consumers of digital electronics, are closely related to one another. The outcomes of the research reveal the cyclical nature of the evolution of wafer fabrication processes. The insight obtained will help product distributors manage inventories and formulate stocking strategies. It will also help researchers and developers of end-user products understand the evolution cycles of memory devices. In all, the insight gained from this research will serve to prevent production interruptions due to IC shortages. The research presented herein is based on a case study of the evolution of Company S’s Dram and Nand Flash technologies. Along the way, it sheds light on how Company S managed to become the world leader in Dram and Nand Flash technology, the milestones it passed on the way to the top, and the unique aspects of its business strategies. By examining the past, present, and future of Company S’s Dram and Nand Flash technologies, and presenting the current status of its fabrication processes, the research will provide companies in related industries with the information needed to future-proof their inventory management and product application portfolios. The research presented the most important are at list: Dram still to abide by Moore’s law increase multiple by 18 months, but Nand Flash according to research datas that improve on Moore’s law to increase multiple by 12 months.


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