  • 學位論文


Analyzing Icon Design of Alarm Systems based on Multidemensional Judgment Theory

指導教授 : 梁曉帆


圖形使用者介面(Graphic User Interface,GUI)中最重要的就是圖像(Icon)的設計,一個好的圖像設計能夠讓使用者明白此圖像代表之意義,進而讓使用者在辨識上更方便且快速。本研究將針對預警系統圖像中之形狀與顏色做一深入研究,探討組合元件之圖像所傳遞之訊息是否優於單顏色及單圖像,並且探討顏色與形狀與指示狀態間的相對重要性,進而可得知當設計者在設計圖像時該依據哪項元件作為設計之重點,哪項為輔助之元件,讓使用者能更清楚瞭解圖像所欲表達之意義。經實驗結果得知在預警系統的狀態下,使用者認為使用形狀比顏色更具代表性,並且適當的形狀加上適當的顏色後能夠提升圖像的辨識正確率以及降低辨識反應時間,因此本研究結果可作為往後圖像設計師在圖像設計時之參考。


Icon design is very important of the Graphic User Interface(GUI). A good icon can let the user understand what the icon means in a convenient and efficient manner. The relationship of five shapes and five colors in alarm icons was analyzed based on the multidimensional judgment theory. A sorting method was used to collect the data about subjects’ preferences of assigning twenty-five icons (the combinations of five shapes and five colors) to three types of alarm status. Results showed that the shapes were more important than the colors for subjects to refer the icons to the disabled alarm status. However, no significant differences were found between the shapes and the colors for referring icons to the in-alarm and return-to-normal status. The redundancy gain in terms of subjects’ response times was found, when the most popular shape and color were used to design an icon. To conclude, GUI designers can use the findings of this study as a reference for the icon design.


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