  • 學位論文


Study of Success Factors for Industrial E-Cluster

指導教授 : 廖森貴


本研究有感於企業群聚E化發展之重要性,旨在探求中小企業產業群聚E化關鍵成功因素,研究樣本以經濟部中小企業處推動之中小企業產業E化服務團10個分團專家為對象為訪談對象,及文獻探討,經因素分析後,萃取相關程度較高的變數,得到三大構面共12項關鍵因素,為發放AHP問卷的主要構面,另針對經濟部中小企業處推動之中小企業產業E化服務團為專家樣本,進行問卷訪談,共回收21份問卷。透過AHP問卷的權重計算而得到中小企業產業群聚E化的關鍵成功因素。 本研究實證分析結果為:三大構面,依其平均值大小排序為『組織觀念 』、『組織相互連結』、『組織能耐』。構面『組織觀念』以『組織創新力』因子最重要;構面『組織相互連結』以『輔導單位之連結力』因子最重要;構面『組織能耐』以『員工資訊素養』因子最重要。整體影響因素以『組織創新力』之『組織熱忱與投入』及『組織共同誘因』和『輔導單位之連結力』因子最重要。 企業進行E化猶如一種組織變革,而企業慣性則往往是組織變革失敗的重要關鍵因素,如群聚中的組織富有組織創新精神,能夠接受改變且願意投入於建構並運用資訊科技平台,與上、中、下游企業分享知識,形成電子化與產業群聚的價值網絡,則此群聚較容易在群聚間的競爭中脫穎而出,厚植競爭優勢,協助產業升級與轉型,希望透過本研究能對中小企業產業群聚E化發展及訂定輔導策略有所貢獻。


As industrial E-cluster , becomes a mainstream topic in the business world, this study is conducted to identify key success factors for industrial e-cluster . Preliminary research was conducted to identify potential variables for this study. In the preliminary research, ten members from the Small and medium-sized e-Service Industry team, were interviewed, relevant literature reviewed, and Factor Analysis conducted. Three dimensions and 12 factors were selected to construct the AHP questionnaire. The research sample included all members of the SSI team and a total of 21 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. By performing weight calculations for the AHP questionnaires collected, this study successfully identified key success factor for ICD. The three dimensions identified include organizational concept, organizational linkage, and organizational capacity. They are listed in this order according to their average values. Organizational creativity is the most important factor for the organizational concept dimension, while linkage of the counseling department is the most important factor for the organizational Linkage, and information literacy of employees is the most important factor for the organizational capacity dimension. Among all factors, organizational creativity, organizational commitment, and collaborative organizational incentives, linkage of the counseling department are the most influential ones. Organizational digitalization, similar to organizational change, will inevitably encounter organizational inertial, which frequently causes organizational change to fail. If organizations, belonging to the same industrial cluster, share the passion of organizational creativity, are willing to face changes, and are willing to share internal or trade knowledge on the digital platform with their partners, then this cluster will likely to lead the competition or even increase the overall market for the whole industry. Thus, this study hopes to provide strategy suggestions to facilitate digitalization processes for all industrial clusters of our nation.


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