  • 學位論文


A Study on Measurement Standardization of Bridge Inspection by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 李有豐


交通部台灣區國道高速公路局橋梁目視檢測計量方式,有橋梁「座」、橋梁長度「m」、橋梁表面積「m2」、工程師「人日」、目視檢測「一式」,計量(計價)單位不一致,且不盡合理,造成統計與管考困難,甚或與廠商發生爭議。為整合橋梁目視檢測計量方式,特利用科學的方法,將目視檢測之計量單位,做一合理化與標準化的研究,做為工料分析的基礎,並提供決策者參考。 本研究經反覆思考與討論後,已整理出橋梁目視檢測計量方式之評估標準為:「管考意義」、「界面明確」、「計算簡捷」、「數量精準」、「工程習慣」,替代方案為:橋梁「座」、橋梁長度「m」、橋梁表面積「m2」、工程師「人日」、目視檢測「一式」。將應用層級分析法(AHP)之電腦軟體(Expert Choice 2000),進行各評估標準與替代方案之權重分配工作,以決定替代方案的優先順序。 AHP問卷調查,一共寄出問卷63份,收回並經一致性修正的有效問卷合計28份。各替代方案整體層級權重(優勢權重),事後整合之算術平均數分別為:橋梁「座」的權重23.08 ﹪,橋梁長度「m」的權重28.14 ﹪,橋梁表面積「m2」的權重24.60 ﹪,工程師「人日」的權重11.31 ﹪,目視檢測「一式」的權重12.89 ﹪。換言之,以橋梁長度「m」的權重最高,最適合做為橋梁目視檢測的標準計量單位,但必須配合橋梁的寬度與結構型式,做大致上的區分。


The common measurement units of bridge visual inspection used by the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau are the number of the bridge, the length of bridge, the surface area of the bridge, the man day needed of engineer to inspect the bridge, and one project. These measuring units are inconsistent and some are unreasonable. Sometimes, it will create statistics and management difficulties, and even has the dispute with the inspection consultant companies. It is necessary to propose a reasonable measurement unit for bridge inspection by using a scientific approach. In the thesis, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was proposed and the software (Expert Choice 2000) was used. During the AHP questionnaire survey, a total of 63 questionnaires were sent out to engineers who work on the bridge inspection. Only effective 28 questionnaires were accepted. After the analysis by using AHP, we have the following conclusions. The optimal measurement unit of bridge visual inspection is the length of bridge.


[12] 李有豐、林安彥,橋梁檢測評估與補強,全華科技股份有限公司,民國89年。
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