  • 學位論文


System Identification and Testing of Symmetric and Unsymmetric Structures

指導教授 : 尹世洵




First, the study numerically simulates a structure by use of SAP2000. According to the structural time response calculated from the simulation, the modal parameters are identified using ARX-model system identification, and then compared with the ones obtained from modal analysis. The comparison demonstrates the accuracy of the used system identification method. Next, we consider a unsymmetric structure which presents torsional behavior, and collect the time response of the structure in a real test. We find that the torsional mode can be detected by applying system identification to the collected data. Meanwhile,traditional accelerometers ( piezoelectric accelerometers ) and advanced accelerometers ( MEMS accelerometers ) are used in the test. The performance of the two sensors are compared. Finally, the modal parameters of a small-scale four-story steel frame structure are identified using ambient vibration records of the structure on which no external forces are acting. The results are compared with the ones obtained using the forced vibration records. Moreover, We conduct system identification for the structure with different damage combinations. Based on the identified mode shapes, the damage detection index ( inter-story drift mode shape, IDMS ) for each damaged structure is calculated. The results show that the system identification of ambient vibration records as well as the calculated damage detection index can effectively detect damage locations.


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