  • 學位論文

原住民文物館活化策略之研究 -以花蓮縣吉安鄉阿美文物館為例

A Study on the Revitalization Strategies for Aboriginal Cultural Museum-A Case Study on Pangcah Cultural Museum of Jian Township, Hualien County

指導教授 : 宋立垚


臺灣政府曾經著力於保存及傳承原住民地方文化而興建「原住民文物館」,因為有相當的經費補助,所以不少的原住民地區地方單位都積極向省府爭取興建原住民文物館,花蓮縣吉安鄉阿美族文物館也是在這波政策下開始興建。阿美文物館興建位置於娜荳蘭部落族人舉行各項祭典的場所,但文物館的興建並未獲得當地族人的認同,也並未帶給部落裡任何契機,反而成為無人使用的蚊子館並造成族群認同場所的消失。因此近年來吉安鄉公所為打破蚊子館的封號積極在阿美文物館內舉辦多項藝文活動,和定期辦理各項原住民文化技藝研習,並鼓勵民間社團多利用館內的展演空間舉辦活動,目前文物館已成為當地社區民眾和學童經常使用的活動場地,明顯效提昇阿美文物館的使用率,但就實質而言,其性質更像是社區活動中心的延伸,如同展示館或陳列室。 有鑑於此,本研究以花蓮縣吉安鄉阿美文物館為例,透過參考文獻了解文物館的定位,實地走訪田野進行空間上的調查及訪談,了解文物館是否符合原先之定位、在地人是否在使用上合乎需求、外地人是否能從文物館瞭解其在地文化,並徵詢專家意見研擬相關課題及探討策略因應,期望尋求阿美文物館活化的契機,並且同時將地方文化能持續延續,及凝聚地方阿美族族群之意識,並使花蓮縣阿美文物館能永續經營傳承及發揚當地文化。


Taiwan's government has focused on the preservation and tenuto of local culture and construction of the "Aboriginal Cultural Museum", as there is considerable financial support, so many local governments are actively for the construction of the Aboriginal Museum to Township mayor's policy as an important achievement, Ji-an Township, Hualien County Pangcah Museum is also construction under the policy.The Museum located at the tribesmen place ceremony, but the to construct of the Museum didn't identity of local , also did not give any opportunity for the tribe, as no one is using the museum and cause Ethnic identity places disappear. So in recent years to break the mosquito Museum titles Ji-an Township Office active in organizing a number of literary events, and to encourage more use of civil society to organize activities museum of performing arts hall, now the Museum has become a local community residents and school children often use , but in essence, its more like an extension of the community center. In this study, Ji-an Township, Hualien County Pangcah Museum, for example, field visits to the space on the field survey and interviews, and seek expert advice on relevant issues and develop strategies of coping, hope to find opportunities for activation of May Museum, and while local Culture can continue to extend, and the cohesion of the local population awareness of the Pangcah, Pangcah Museum, Hualien County and to be sustainable and promote local cultural heritage.


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