  • 學位論文


The research of status and role of transformation from female workers at thread factory in Changhua

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩 蘇瑛敏


臺灣戰後「從農業到工業」這一個發展的基本方向,女性角色扮演著重要關鍵。政府乃首先發展勞力密集的民生輕工業-紡織業。從1950年代起紡織業開始投入大量女性,在政府政策的積極推展之下,紡織業帶領臺灣快速的經濟發展。 本研究以研究者生長的環境為例,長期發現紡織相關產業都有大量的女性勞動力,且有明顯的空間與性別隔離。藉由製線廠女工的日常工作項目與環境變遷作為發問起點,透過文獻史料收集、參與觀察與質化的個案訪談,進行深入訪談瞭解因社會環境變遷,初步描繪傳統產業中的性別差異以及產業發展過程中,父權與資本的交互作用在工業轉化過程中的現象。 研究發現女性走出家門工作的原因,從早期的被動轉為主動,隨著就業機會增加、家庭功能的變遷、教育程度提高等因素,使得女性能在各行各業盡己所能,相對的,對於紡織產業這種夕陽工業來說,已不在是就業首選。而女工所面對的工作與家庭衝突,卻沒有因社會的變遷而改變。在長期傳統刻板印象或父系社會的影響下,以及負責人的思維與所訂定的制度,使得廠區內仍有著明顯的性別分工與隔離。新一代的女工,思維正從傳統的父權家庭轉變成個人主義的平權家庭。在個人層面,則從男性權威性格改變為男女平等的民主性格。女工的家庭角色感應了雙重的變遷力,一方面逐漸將傳統上刻板印象中男性化人格特質融入在女性角色中。


女性 工作權力 環境變遷 規訓


Post-war Taiwan developed under the basic direction of transformation from agriculture to industry, and female workers played an important role in this change. The government first developed the textile industry, a light and labor-intensive industry. Female workers joined the textile industry in droves, and the industry, assisted by accommodating governmental policies, led Taiwan to rapid economic growth. The productivity of young women at the time was an important factor in bringing about the economic miracle of Taiwan. How did they change to be the unsung heroines of the economic take-off from their traditional and auxiliary role of housewives, wives, and mothers? This study uses the locale where the author grew up as an example. The author found out that over a long period of time, textile and its related industries had used large numbers of female workers, and there had been apparent segregation of workplace between genders. The observation of the daily routine work tasks of female workers of a thread factor, the observation of the evolution of their work place and environment, the analysis of historical documents, and in-depth quality case interviews provided a preliminary basis for depicting gender disparities in traditional industries and the interaction between paternalism and capital that took place during the process of industrial transformation. This study found out that females worked outside of the home because of passive reasons in the past. That has changed, and nowadays females work because they want to. Despite that social evolutiuon, the conflicts between work and family that female workers have had to face have not changed accordingly. The long-held stereotypes [against female workers], the male-centric society, and the systems molded by male owners/executives all help keep the gender segregation in work space and separation of duties obviously discernable in factories. New generations of female workers are undergoing a transformation from the traditional paternalistic family to the individualistic family where genders enjoy equal rights, from man-centric to equal rights. The roles that female workers play in their homes are being pulled by these two forces of change, and females are gradually taking on some characteristics that have been traditionally associated exclusively with males.


female work rights environmental evolution rules


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